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"Sometimes you gotta pick water over blood cause family ain't shit"

L O N D O N.


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FRIDAY JULY 9 12:44 P.M.

Wassup. I'm London Alyssa Jamere, I'm 15 Years old, I work at Footlocker to help my mom, Kandace, pay the bills because she spends most of her money on crack and weed. Sad. Anyways I'm going into my Junior year in high school because I skipped 9th grade. That's about it.

"Mama I'm home" I said as I came inside from work.
I walk in her room and I see my 37 year old mother on the floor with a line of cocaine on the table and foam on her mouth. I immediately call the police and they ask to check her pulse and, of course, she doesn't have one. They say they'll be here in a few minutes. If you're wondering why I'm not panicking it's because I knew it was coming. She's been strung out on drugs since my dad left when I was 3. I knew it was gonna happen I was just hoping that it wouldn't. They get there and everything happened so fast.
"Hi babygirl, I'm Jayla. Can you go pack a bag with some clothes and shoes for overnight I don't think you will be coming back here."
I get everything I need ain't no telling where I might end up tonight.

Its been a couple of hours and I have been sitting in this hotel lobby for forever.
"I cannot put that child in foster care. I won't do it. If that means I'm fired oh well
but she's not going."
"Well where is she gonna go."
"I'm gonna go see if she's willing to stay with me."
"Ok if that doesn't work."
"Oh it's gonna work."
I heard bits and pieces of this conversation as I see Mrs.Jayla walking towards me.
"Hey London. So I was wondering if it's ok if you come stay with me because I have no clue where you would end up tonight."
"Yea that's fine."
"Ok cool. My shift is over in about 20 minutes. Here go get you some food from next door there's plenty of choices."
"I can't take this I have money on me."
"Don't spend your money. Here. I'm serious." The curvy mocha
woman standing infront of me said.
"Thank you so much."
"No problem."
I walked to the shopping center next to the hospital and got myself some Chick-Fil-A. I also got Jayla some fries and a drink because I don't want to just use her money and not get her something.
I walked back to the hospital and gave Jayla the food and her shift was over so I put my bags in the car and we drove to her house. The ride was filled with laughter and fun conversation I had almost forgot about all the bad that's happened today.
When we got to her house we got out the car and she told me she has a son and 3 daughters and a husband. Her house was beautiful.
"Hey ma."
"Hey mama."
"Wassup ma."
"Mamaa. Heyy"
Her kids said as we walked in the door.
"Who dis" The oldest of the 4 said.
"This is London she's gonna be here
because sadly her mom passed and I don't want her in foster care. So London, these are the twins Kash and Kam y'all are the same age. This is Tyrin he's 17 and Teyana she's 18."
"Hey y'all."
"Hey girl"
"Kash can you take her up to the guest room for me."
"Yea I gotchu ma. Come on girl you are so cute and I see you thickems."
"You're funnyyy"
Me and Kash put my stuff upstairs and then Jayla said we're going to the mall so I went to do something with my hair. Tyrin has been looking at me everytime I walk by him but ian gone trip. He is kinda cute tho.

Ight so how y'all like this idea. It's something new I haven't seen anyone do so yea. BUT YALLL TRAIRI IS OFFICIALL. NIGGA WE MADE IT🤪

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