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The Newsies had just bought the papers that they would be selling for the day. Jack Kelley, also known as "Cowboy", was standing at the front of the large group of boys. Jack had always been like a leader to the other boys.

The boys were about to start selling their papers, when a strange thing happened. A girl had walked up to them. A girl! The Newsies were a bunch of smelly, sweaty, adolescent boys, who could never get the attention of any girl, and here comes a girl- a pretty girl, strolling on up to them.

"Why hello there, miss! Care to buy a paper?" asked Racetrack before any of the others could say anything.

"Nice try, buddy, but I'm here on bid'ness." She said.

Several of the boys's jaws dropped. Not only was she a pretty girl who was actually talking to them, she even talked like a Newsie!

"Now what kinda bid'ness would a pretty lady like you, possibly be needing from us?" Jack asked, with a mischievous grin crossing his face.

"A job." she said, pretending not to know what Jack was getting at.

"If ya haven't noticed, that sign up there, you'll notice it says Newsboys lodge." said another boy at the back of the group.

"And that's why I came to you. I know you's guys are good at keeping secrets." she replied smirking.

"Oh yeah, and what do you know about us?"

Still smirking, she turned to Jack before saying "The famous Jack Kelly, he rode out of the refuge on Teddy Roosevelt's carriage, and Snyder has no idea where he's living. That is, if I don't decide to just tell him,"

"Hey, how did you know that? Only the boys know that!" Jack asked, a worried look crossing his face.

Ignoring the question, she turned back to the group and asked "Well fellas? What d'ya think, am I hired?"

"Jack's gotta decide that, honey!" Racetrack said.

She whirled around to face Racetrack. Grabbing him by the front of his shirt, through gritted teeth she asked "What did you just call me?! Never again!"

"A feisty one, ain't ya?" Jack asked.

"For today, you can help me sell. See if ya got any skills at all in sellin' the papes, if ya do, then you can meet us just inside the gates so we can see if you should get your job." he continued.

"Thanks!" she said with excitement.

"But before we do anythin', you gotta tell us your name!" One boy said, grabbing her hand.

Ripping her hand out of the boy's grasp, she sighed and mumbled "Davey."

"Davey? Davey! That ain't a very girly name!" another boy laughed.

"Eat it! And for your information, that's why I resent my name!" Davey growled at the boy.

It was this comment that seemed to end the conversation. Davey stood back as the large group started shouting headlines and walking off in every direction.

After the crowd of Newsies had dissipated, Jack walked over to Davy and handed her half of his papers.

"Whatever money you make sellin' those, you keep. Anythin' ya don't sell, give ta me. Got it?" Jack explained.

"Yeah, I got it. But listen, if I'm gonna sell these papes, I'm gonna need to look like a street rat with no money, so, gimmie a second." Davey replied.

She sprinted over to an alley and rolled in the dirt. She made sure to tear her dress and smudge some soot on her face. Finally, she messed her hair up a little bit, for

effect. Once she was ready, she quickly made her way back to Jack.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Like ya just rolled around in an alley. Now let's go!" Jack said. He was clearly impatient with her. Once Jack found a good selling spot, he told Davey to go find her own spot where he could still see her. After she found a good spot, she started selling the papers. The headlines were horrible, they were about the trolley strike. Again.

Jack watched Davey as she began selling her papers. At first, no one seemed to want to buy one of her papers. He looked away for a moment to sell a couple more papers, and when he turned his attention back over to Davey, she was selling papers left and right.

By about 4:00 Davey had sold her last paper. She crossed the street and made her way over to Jack.

"How'd I do?" she asked, already knowing what the answer would be.


It was 9:00 and Jack still had four papers left. Looking at Davey he said "You wanna sell my papes? You seem to be a natural at sellin' 'em"

Davey turned to grab the papers that Jack was holding out to her. She walked down the dark streets until she saw a group of men talking to each other. Jack watched as she walked right up to the men and sold all four papers right there.

She walked back and handed Jack the money she had just made. "Take it."

"No. I told you to keep whatever money you made sellin' the papes." Jack argued.

"Yeah well, I already earned my share of money, so, take this." Davey replied.

Both of them were tired, and it wasn't very hard to see that Davey was not going to be the one to lose this battle. Jack pocketed the money.

As they turned to go their desperate ways, Jack grabbed her arm. "Remember, meet us inside the gates t'morrow mornin'."

"Got it. G'night, Jack." Davey said with a yawn

"Night, Davey."

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