First Day

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The sun was up and Davey was walking through the gates of the newspaper to see the newsies.

Once they caught sight of her, a few boys notified other boys that she was coming, while a few others just looked confused.

"Well don't you look different!" Jack said.

Davey was wearing boy's clothes and she had her hair pinned up to the top of her head, which was under a Newsie cap. It was going to be very easy for her to pass as a boy. She was pretty much flat chested, so that wasn't going to be an issue. Her ribs stuck out a little, but not visibly, under her shirt. Davey was unusually tall and lanky.

"Well, I've gotta pass for a boy if I want this job." She replied.

"Fair 'nough. Listen, we's just gonna ask you some questions. If ya pass, ya get the job." Jack said.

"How old are you?" Jack asked

"13. I know younger sells more papes, but don't tell me to pretend I'm younger. Most people have trouble believin' I'm 13!" Davy answered.

Jack held up a newspaper for her to see. "This's today's pape. Headlines are bad. How many ya gonna buy?"

Davey reached into her pocket and dug out her money. She counted the coins before replying "100 papes. Headlines aren't what sell the papes, Newsies are what sells the papes."

"Ya see a fellow Newsie in trouble, whatcha gonna do 'bout it?"

"You go help that Newsie, whether ya have ta throw a few punches, or cause a bigger problem to get your buddy out of trouble."

"Last question," Jack pulled out a hat and tried to hand it to her. "Take this."

Davey backed away from the hat. "That's a Scab's hat! There ain't no way I'm even touching that!" she hissed.

A smile tugged at the corners if Jack's mouth. "Welcome to the crew!" Jack said, sticking out his hand. Davey shook his hand and grinned wildly.

"Come on, let's go get our papes!" an impatient voice called out from the crowd. Instantly, a small portion of the boys walked over to a window where they were selling papers to the boy. Davey joined them, and was somehow pushed up front so that she was fourth in line.

When Davey walked up to the window, she was greeted by an old man. "Well looky here, we got ourselves a new Newsie! You're awfully small, how old are ya?" he asked.

"13," she replied. "and gimmie 'hundred papes." she said.

"Oh-ho! Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves? It's your first day on the job kid," he replied.

"I said I want a hundred papes, now gimmie what I paid for." Davey growled, glaring at Weasel.

"Hundred papes for the feisty one!" He called to the paper counters.

A stack of papers was tossed out onto the counter. Davey grabbed her papers and glared at Weasel a little more before she stepped aside and out of line.

Jack motioned for her to come over to him, so she did.

"Don't let Weasel get under your skin, he's always a jerk. I want you to go with Racetrack to sell today. He's gonna make sure you ain't a spy or somethin'." Jack told her.

"Why would I wanna spy on you?" she asked.

"Dunno. I'm just doin' what I think's best." he said. "Hey Race," Jack shouted. A boy with a cigar in his teeth looked up and jogged over to the to of them. "you're gonna take Davy here sellin' with ya."

"Sure thing, Jack!" Race replied.


It was 2:00 and Davey had five papers left to sell. Race had taken her to the horse racetrack (now she knew how he got his name) and there were loads of people there. The sun was beating down harshly and the two Newsies had both worked up a sweat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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