Chapter Two: The Stranger's House.

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Author's Note: This is more of a filler chapter. I know what I want to happen in the book, well... sort of. But I don't want it to seem like I am rushing it. So yeah... Chapter Two :) And I don't know why but I really like the song in the video off to the side :)

I awoke and sat up in my hospital bed. I stretched my arms out and I heard someone cough. I snapped my head to the right and saw three people sitting in the chairs that were there. Two were guys and one was a girl. The girl stood up and walked over to me, the others followed.

The girl started talking, "The nurses told us that you've got memory loss... so you probably don't remember us." She paused, as if it was a question. I nodded my head, just in case it was. "Yeah, okay. Well, we are your best friends. I am Brook, this is Nathan." She pointed to the tall, handsomer one. "And this is Xavier." She pointed to the guy beside Nathan. He was good looking as well. Nathan had short dark brown hair with dark brown eyes and Xavier had blond hair that went across his forehead and he had dark green eyes. Brook had jet black hair that went half way down her back and she had brown eyes.

"Hi," I said. Nathan looked extremely upset, I wondered why. "Why are you so upset, Nathan?" I asked, looking into his eyes, which were on the verge of bursting into tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just how can you not remember us? We hang out practically everyday."

"Try falling down a cliff and you'll understand."

I looked up at Brook. "So, what do I usually do? Like how do I act? What am I like? What am I into?"

"Well, you are into guys."

"Thanks tips. Like what do I like to do? Sports?"

"Okay, well, you are more musical. You sing, and you are really good. And you act, you want to be an actress someday. You are a really good actress too. You play the guitar, and the piano. But you just learned how to play the piano so you aren't the best." I nodded my head as she continued. "And for the other questions... well... you are really sarcastic. You don't really care what other people think about you... they just care about what you think of them. You correct people, a lot. And you are a smart-ass."


"And you can be a bitch sometimes... but only to people that you don't like or to people who deserve it."

I nodded my head, understanding what I am like. "Anything to add, boys?" I asked, turning my head to look at Nathan and Xavier.

Xavier shook his head right away and Nathan shook his head slowly after a few minutes... as if he was either thinking of anything that Brook missed, or he knows something that Brook missed and he was debating on whether he should tell me or not.

I didn't know which one so I just nodded my head and I looked over to the table on the left side of the bed. There were little stuffed animals and flowers and little gift baskets. "Aw," I said, noticing how much people cared about me.

"I brought this," Xavier said as he walked over to the other side of the bed and picked up a basket of sweets in it. "I know how much you like candy. Do you like it?"

I tipped the basket down a bit and looked in it. There were Skittles, M&M's, Jolly Ranchers, and more. "Thanks, Xavier."

"No problem. And Brook brought this." He held up a basket of a bunch of different things in it. I nodded my head, showing that I approved of what she got me.

"Who got me this?" I asked as I pointed to a giant teddy bear and a vase of red roses. I looked over at Brook and Nathan on the other side of the bed and Nathan was staring at the ground, blushing.

"I did," Nathan said. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I love it," I said as I admired the roses. Red roses were my favorite flower.

"I know you like roses," Nathan said as he looked back up at me and smiled.

"Thanks," I said as Xavier walked back over beside Nathan. "How long was I asleep?" I asked them, remembering that they were already here when I woke up.

"We were here for about thirty minutes before you woke up... but when we got here you were sleeping so I don't know how long you were asleep for," Brook said as she shifted her weight onto her right foot.

I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

Xavier started up the conversation again. "We heard that you are going to live with your real parents? Or at least you want to."

"Yes, I do. Have you ever met my real parents before? And I am only going to live with them if they want me to and if we can even contact them."

"No, we haven't met them. You never really talked about your parents either," Nathan said.

"Why not?"

"I don't know," Brook said. "Whenever we tried to talk to you about them you always said that you never really remembered much about them and you didn't want to talk about them."

I turned my head towards Xavier and Nathan. They nodded their heads in agreement to what Brook said. "Oh, okay," I said, not understanding why I never talked about my parents. The only memories I have with them are only from when I was four, then when I try to remember them in the years of when I was five, six, and seven my brain won't let me. Even though I was told that I was with them until I was seven. I can only remember them from when I was four and younger.

"You should get some rest," Nathan told me as he lay me down and pulled the covers over me. I didn't argue because I was very tired. I saw them leave my room and I feel asleep.


It was Wednesday and I was on my way to Darcy, Jack, and Sara's house. They said that they got a hold of my parents and my parents said that they wanted to talk to me but they couldn't come until Saturday. And the hospital was making me go home. So it was either spend a couple nights with them or sleep on a bench at the park, with a broken ankle.

We arrived at their house and I got out of the car on my crutches, Sara helping me. I have never broken anything before so I didn't exactly know how to use crutches.

I walked into the house and my jaw dropped. The house was gigantic! 

"I'll give you the tour," Sara said.

She showed me around the house and I couldn't believe how big it was. I walked into my room and looked around. It was painted neon green and I had clothes everywhere. There was a dresser with a mirror to the the left of my bed, and my bed was in the middle of the room. Then there was another dresser on the right side of the bed and on each side of the bed there was little nightstands at the top of my bed. To the left corner there was a full length mirror and in the right corner there was a walk-in closet. I also had my own bathroom.

I took my clothes off and put my pyjama shorts on and an over sized t-shirt and flopped down on my bed, falling asleep.

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