⨺ Do you believe? ⨺

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«You're going to Mars Island, darling!»

I had to repeat those words over and over again in my mind to fully understand what my mother said on a Sunday afternoon of December. The idea of actually managing to go to Mars Island had never crossed my mind so hearing those words has been some kind of shock to me, because I froze instead of jumping and screaming. My skin got pale in an instant and a worried expression appeared on my mother's face.

«Are you ok, baby?» She asked reaching out to place her hands on my shoulders.

For an istant I forgot to breathe and when I finally realized what shec learly said, I bursted into tears. I must have had the stupidest expression on my face, because my mum started to laugh walking backwards keeping her belly with her hands.

«If this is some kind of joke, mum... it's not funny» I replied wiping the tears off of my cheeks with a bit of anger.

I knew that my family couldn't afford to pay the flights to take me to the Island nor the cheapest ticket's price. A part of me felt miserable in that moment, because my mother knew how much I did care about that band and that week-end and I would never thought she could make fun of me for that. I moved few steps to go back to my room, but she reached out again, squeezing my wrist with her hand.

«I'm not kidding, Siria. You're going to that fucking Island and I need you to stop crying and celebrate or I will tear that ticket apart myself.» She said with a tone full of joy and amusement.

I turned again, watching her with disbelief and a strange feeling burning inside my stomach. Her eyes couldn't lie to me... I was going to Mars Island. A big and bright smile popped out on my face as I hugged her. Countless tears fell down my cheeks again, but this time were tears of joy, not pain, that crushed on my and her clothes.

«How can I? I don't even know what to say... How did you managed to? Just... thank you.» I babbled, helding her close between my arms.

«You don't have to thank me, nor your father. Your friends gathered up what we needed to send you there. They know how much you do care about those two and you've done so much for them during these two years... they wanted to say thank you in some way»

I looked at her in disbelief.

I knew my friends cared about me but I'd never thought someone could do something this big for me. Those words warmed my heart more than that news did. That feeling was the very reason why two years before I decided to join that whatsapp group. That feeling was the only reason why I started to take care of myself. That feeling was the only thing that made me the girl I was in that very moment. I felt the need to do something more for those wonderful souls that the destiny did put on my path, but first of all I needed to undestand what I was going to live in a couple of months... Mars fucking Island!

My fingers ran to the rubberband I had on my right wrist, I was going to meet Shannon and Jared, but more important I was going to meet all those wonderful souls I wouldn't had the chance to meet before: another piece of my gigantic family, the Echelon.

I took out my smartphone, logged up on Instagram and added a new story to my fanpage. A black and grey picture and on top of it a yellow and pink series of words:

«I'm going to Mars Island! I can't wait to see you there, family!»  

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