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   Heels clicked and echoed down the hall, followed by the crash of the oak door that slammed closed behind her. Destiny clutched a plastic bag in one hand and used to other one to finger-comb her wavy, auburn hair.

   Rain dripped from her coat and into a small puddle on the stone floor. She walked through the cold halls and into a large living room. The ceiling went up for what felt like ages, twenty feet of built in bookshelves and a warm, crackling fireplace.

   There was a second floor, half floor at least. At the top of the swirling stairs was a desk with papers scattered all over it. A simple lamp sat on the corner of it, which had been left on for a few hours. In the seat, two cats were curled up, sleeping contently.

   She made her way up the steps, and three cats followed closely behind her. They meowed out and she smiled.

   "Hello there my precious demon children. How were you when I was gone?" She asked aloud she made her way back down. They followed, and meowed again. "Aw, you poor things are probably are hungry. Come on" She left her bag near the door of the living room and kicked off her heels.

   She followed her cats, they knew all too well the way to the kitchen. When she entered the room, she flicked the light switch on headed straight for the cupburt. She pulled out a large bag of dry cat food and poured it into several of the dozens of cat bowls pressed up against the wall.

   She didn't even notice the dark figure digging through her cupboards until they slammed close. She froze in her spot and narrowed her hazel eyes. She slowly turned towards the noise with her scariest glare on her face.

   "Hey, you're out of pop tarts," The figure commented as it examined the empty box in her hand.

   "I just got a whole- WHAT THE EVER LOVING HECK? How did you even get in here!?" Destiny questioned. If questioned was even the right word. More like demanded with a fierce glare that would cause a full grown man to wet his pants and run crying to his mom.

   The brunette shrugged as she finally turned her gaze to the angry cat lady. She didn't seem surprised by the glare, or the least bit fazed by it.

   "Through the door, of course. I never even left from our 'last visit'. Oh and I'm not the only one here-" Brooklyn was cut off as another girl their same age's head peeked around the door.

   Her light brown hair was poofy as it curled weirdly around her thick black glasses frame. A baggy white t-shirt hung off her shoulders and pink reindeer pajama pants covered most of her feet which would cause anybody else the step and fall on it.

   "What's taking so long for the pop tarts, Brooklyn?" She pondered as she took in the scene of the room. It took her a few moments to notice Destiny, but when she did, she gave a shy smile and a small wave.

   "Ohh, she's out of them. We'll need to add them to the list of things to buy when we go shopping, Lily." Brooklyn informed her as she opened the fridge. "Until then we could make pizza rolls or chicken nuggets or something"

   "HOW DID YOU GUYS GET INTO MY CASTLE?!" Destiny demanded. She was a bit shocked to say the least. You'd think she would have noticed two teenage girls- one who was very loud and the other who couldn't walk straight if her life depended on it- stumbling around the castle.

   Brooklyn and Lily took in Destiny's state for a moment. Drenched head to toe from the pouring rain just outside the stone walls of the castle. She didn't have shoes on, but they could already assume she wore heels. She shifted her balance from one foot to another and lifted her leg up and kneaded the bottom of her foot. And she was never happy when she had to wear heels. Black pants and a simple, red blouse clung to her figure from the pouring rain outside and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that had at one point been sleek, but was now limp, drenched, bedraggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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One Castle, Four Friends, a Million Cats, and a Dog Named PeggyWhere stories live. Discover now