Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

* * Louis's POV * *

I really felt guilty that Zizi had taken the blame. I know it should of been me but for some kind of reason she insisted it was for the best. Even thought I still didn't agree, I had to go along. I knew how much that necklace meant to her so I was going to help her get it back. I sighted and decided to think of an idea to help her. But for right now I had to get ready for the night gathering. People were coming to the house to congratulate my dad and his financée for their wedding. Which was tomorrow. I put on my black suit, I wished that I could just get over this. I went to go check on Zizi, I knew that she didn't want to attend. But my dad insisted on all of us to be there and behave oursleves because he won't deal with our foolishness this time.

I opened Zizi's door, there she was still laying under her blankets. I got closer and shook her gently. She whined and flipped to the other side. I lowly chuckle and decided to do something like the old times. I grabbed her bed mattress and picked it up from one side. When she started rolling of the bed and falling to the ground.

"Louis?!!" She said mad but couldn't help to giggle just a little. I crossed my arms. She noticed what I was trying to do that she finally gave in. "Fine I'll go change!"

She dragged herself into her bathroom while I went to go check what was happening downstairs. The servants were placing the plates and the silverware spoons and forks on the table. I looked at my watch and saw that there was only thirty minutes left before the guest start arriving. I placed my hands inside my pockets and walked around.

"Hey Louis" Carol stood in front me. "I am so excited for tomorrow we are finally going become one big family." She smiled fakely. I knew deep inside she hated us because she looked at us like we were children who were not raised well by her mother.

"Yeah, that's nice" I grinned. She began to walk away. It was nice of her fake comment of being part of this new big family. But Zizi and I already had a family back home and an amazing mom. She wasn't only a mom to me but a strong women who I admired. I really love her because she gave me a place to call home, an awesome sister and love. I was so lucky to have her as a mother.

"Okay is everybody ready?!!" My dad said.

Zizi was coming downstairs with just a simple dress because today wasn't the big day. I stood by her side and she wrapped her arm around mine when the bell rang.

The place was pack with a lot of guests. They all sat on the table and ate. It was just a boring gathering, of course for me and Zizi. But for Daniel and Amanda it wasn't because they had invited their friends. Zizi and I stood next to each other as people chatted with each other. When we all went to the big living room and my dad had to announce something.

"As you could see, I am the luckiest man on earth because tomorrow I am about to get marry with this beautiful woman." The guests clapped and cheered. "And I want to say that it is also going to mean a lot to me if my son says some words for us tomorrow." He looked at me and smiled. I stood there feeling happy, I think he is talking about me. "He is going to be saying some words of wisdom. Give it up for my one and only son Daniel." The people clapped and cheered once again.

I stood there hurt that he hadn't picked me. Zizi was about to walk toward our father when I gripped her arm. "No Zizi just don't." I looked straight because I couldn't turn to face her. I let her go and stepped outside the house.

I sat on the stairs, Zizi sat next to me and didn't say a word. Which I was grateful for because I just wanted to hear the peaceful night. Sometimes I felt like my dad never liked me but I also though I was just exaggerating. One and only son Daniel, kept echoing in my head and I just wanted it to stop. Tonight those words had just stabbed me right on the chest.

When we saw a bright light car flash on our faces. Zizi and I stood up to see who had just arrived. We walked toward the car who had parked inches away. We saw the beautiful woman stepping out of the car. The woman who we have been longing to see.

"Mom!!" Zizi and I yelled in unison and ran into her arms. We were so happy to see her.

"I missed you so much my babies" she kissed us on the forehead.

"We missed you too" I said. "I thought you were coming tomorrow?"

"Well I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to see you guys and surprise you." She smiled. "And guess what?" We looked at her waiting for her to say it. I was hoping she could just take us home right now.

"Hey guys!!" Zayn and Niall came out of the car.

"Surprise!!" My mom cheered. We all hugged each other. Oh boy we were sure glad to see them.

"Well why don't we go somewhere to eat?" My mom suggested.

We all went inside the car, Zizi and I were so happy that were leaving that boring party. Right now it felt perfect to be around the people who we missed a lot.

We went to a small restaurant where we ate hamburgers. Niall and Zayn were filling us with was happening back home. Well they said Harry was still partying. Then Zizi wanted to know about Liam. Zayn said he would of love to come but he had practice since their season is the first one to begin. I really wanted to know about Skyler, I really missed my babe. Niall said she had barely come from her Georgia trip. I really wanted to hug her and feel her soft lips.

When we were done my mom said it was time to go home because supposedly our dad will be worry, Zizi and I doubted it. We arrived at the house and I opened the door. My dad and his fiancée were standing there.

"Where were you?" My dad said in a firm tone. I guess he was worried. "You guys supposed to be here so we could look like a happy family." Or not, it seemed like he only cared about his good family image.

"Thomas?" My mom came inside the house. "I am sorry I should of called you. I just really wanted to see my children."

"Oh Lydia, I didn't see you there." My dad smiled. "It's okay."

"Sorry to bring them late" my mom said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" We nodded in response.

"Where are you staying?" My dad asked before she could leave.

"In a hotel" my mom looked back.

"Why don't you stay here? We have enough space." My dad said. My mom hesitated at first but Zizi and I pleaded for her to stay.

"Okay thanks Thomas!" My mom said politely. I could see that Carol got jealous and mad but I didn't care as longest my mom was here.

My dad and Carol went to their room. Zizi and I showed my mom her room because she seemed tired. Niall and I went into my room while Zizi and Zayn went into her room to talk.

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