Hiram na salita

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Magandang araw! Today we'll talk about Hiram na salita and some examples of it.

As most of you know, Philippines was conquered by three different countries, Spain, United States of America, and Japan. So, you can imagine that the Filipinos have adapted some words from our conquerors. Hiram na salita literally means "borrowed words" and was taught to us during 4th grade but is used in everyday conversations even before we were aware of such thing.

During the Spanish colonization, Filipinos were forced to learn Spanish for around 200 years. This resulted to Spanish passed down to generations following them together with Christianity. Spanish is still used is daily speech and some even add them to their sentences unconsciously.

Some examples of Spanish words adapted by Filipinos are: (English - Spanish - Filipino)

shoe - zapato - sapatos

hat - sombrero - sumbrero

bathroom - bano - banyo

Here are some more where the English, Spanish, and Filipino versions sound similar.

check - cheque - tseke

family - familia - pamilya

machine - maquina - makina

liter - litro - litro

letter - letra - letra

education - educacion - edukasyon

computer- computadora - kompyuter

cart - carreta - karitela

If you ask me why these nouns are borrowed, it's most likely that our language didn't have words for these and/or it was made/discovered in a different country.

note: There are consonant combination in Filipino where it is spelled different but is accepted to sound the same with its English counterparts.


ts -> ch:

tsek sounds like chek

tsokolate sounds like chokolate

sy -> sh

pasensya sounds like pasensha

syansi - shansi

ll -> ly

villa sounds like vilya

Bello ( a last name) souns like Belyo

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