"I'm one of your fans"

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I am one of your fans
You were in my mind
A possibility of happiness
Am I stupid to want that
To want you
To feel like I need you

Is it infatuation
Is it obsession
Is it less than love
And more like accustomed to it being you

All I know is that I thought of you
Of how you could possible comfort me
And hold me
Let me hug you for at least three seconds
And feel everything

Thank you for giving me that outlet
Where I can put my feelings

Even if you don't know me
And I possibly don't know you
I thank you
For being there
Without you knowing
But you were there

Maybe in another life I'll be more than just an admirer
More than one of them
Who also see how beautiful you are
I don't blame them

New York, 6:50pm January 26,2019

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