Sickness ~ Aizawa

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It was my duty to watch after the students tonight. Usually Mr. Aizawa does this nightly but he had recently became under the weather. Leaning against the wall, it fell silent. Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep and then shot awake from a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Ah!" I jumped back.

"Ms. L/N, I'll be taking over you shift. They need you to keep on eye on Aizawa, so he doesn't wander off." Kenta said. I nodded in return.

"We would have had Mic take over but he's not the easiest to deal with. I will warn you. Aizawa is running quite the high fever, as a result he hallucinates and gets hot flashes. Don't let me leave his room. We can't have him infecting anyone else." Kenta stated.

With my given orders, I made my way down the hall into Mr. Aizawa's room. Upon first glance, he wasn't in his bed. My eyes frantically searched the room. Walking further into the room, I trip and my chin met the floor. I received a groan from the ground below only to realize, I tripped over Mr. Aizawa.

"Hello?" He mumbled. I picked him up and tossed his weak body onto the bed. He's a lot heavier than he looks. I exhaled after throwing him on the bed. Even after all of that effort, he was beginning to stand back up again.

"No, no! Mr. Aizawa, please remain in bed. You are not well." I said fearfully.

His glossy eyes scanned my face. His eyes fluttered before he tried pushing past me. I quickly pinned him on his bed and hastily tucking him into his bed. Becoming aware of his current situation, he blanked stared at the wall. A few minutes later, his eyes met my figure seated in the corner. The sheer look of this man intimidated me. I saw how harsh he can be with the students, even with his slight bit of consciousness, messing up could mean big consequences.

Glancing back at him from time to time, I noticed his face had curled into a smile. What the hell was he smiling for? It's creeping me out. Flustered, I cover my face.

"You know it's warmer over here."

"Wha?" I looked up in confusion.

"You're fidgeting. You're cold. I shall warm you." He said stepping out of bed and staggering into my arms. I press my palms against his chest gingerly trying to push him off, but to no avail.

"Mr. Aizawa, I'm not cold. Please return to bed." I said tensing up and forcefully pushing him off.

Accidentally, I made him stumble onto the floor. He quickly looks up and locks eyes with me. My body froze and I felt a cold shiver up my back. My quirk was erased.

"Such a sour woman. So cold, so rude. How could such a pretty woman do that?" He whined as he curled into a fetal position on the floor.

"I'm not sour. Just get back to bed..please." I said grabbing his arm and laying him back down.

Placing the covers over him once more, he pulls me on top of him and holds me in a death grip. No matter how much I squirmed, he never let go. I sigh laying on his chest watching it rise and fall, listening to his heartbeat. Despite his cold hands, I flared in heat because of the mass amounts of embarrassment I felt. I knew I was stuck like this until morning and the same question ran through my mind continuously.

"What are they going to think when they walk through the door."

A/N: Probably gonna re-write this one ...ngl

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