Chapter 2

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It's been a few weeks since Roman and Virgil moved in and, in Patton's opinion, it's been going very well.

Roman recently got the role of JD in the Heathers musical going on, so he has been very busy.

It was difficult at first; Virgil would always forcefully keep himself out of little space when Roman wasn't around, making it so that when he did regress, he would regress hard when Roman was around. The other two noticed this.

At first they would just ignored it because they couldn't really see how much it was affecting Virgil and, despite not really knowing how to deal with him themselves, the other two had to confront him eventually.

"'M fine" Virgil kept insisting every time they asked him about it, until eventually Patton was too worried not to tell Roman about it.

Roman, thankfully, wasn't practicing a scene that day and went home as soon as possible.

When he got home, Roman talked to Virgil, making sure that he knew that Patton and Logan could take care of him while Roman wasn't there to.

After that, Virgil started hesitantly being little in front of Patton and Logan, doing things such as asking for sippy cups at meals, or to play pretend with him, or even one time he asked for help to go to the bathroom because he may have been a big boy but the big toilet was scary.

So yeah, every thing was going good... until it wasn't.

Patton came home one night from the animal shelter, Roman and Virgil were out for their monthly date night so they wouldn't be back for a while, and all Patton wanted to do was to have a nice dinner and curl up with Logan in bed.

He went to the bedroom to pry Logan away from his work and have dinner with him, when he herd sniffling.

He knocked on the slightly ajar door.

"Logie?" Patton questioned hesitantly "Can I come in, honey?"

Logan sniffled in response, "Y-yeah."

Patton went in and rushed over to Logan, scooping him up in his arms.

"What's wrong, Lo?" Patton asked softly.

"It-it-its just" he hiccuped "Y-you know that I l-love you, right? Your smile is so soft and warm, it smells like cinnamon an-and honey. And-and your always so orange and pink and fuzzy and I just-" he cut himself off with another sob, clutching onto Patton's shoulder tightly.

"Of course I do, love" Patton reassured, gently stroking his love's hair.

"W-well I think I m-might have fallen for Roman and-and Virgil" He sobbed out,"but I just feel all icky and mossy, like it's growing in my lungs until everything is tinted a murky green, and it sounds like-like a despondent cord, and-and I ca- I can't I'm just-just..." He burst out into tears again and shoving his face into Patton's chest.

"Terrified?" Patton supplied gently, rubbing Logan's back.

Logan sniffled again, nodding sadly.

Patton smiled. "That's ok, love" he said reassuringly, "Really, they are kind of easy to fall for, aren't they?"

Logan pulled his face out of Patton's chest at that, he looked up at Patton hopefully.

"H-honest?" Logan asked.

"Always, my dear." He smiled down at Logan, running his fingers through the taller man's hair, and drying his tears.

"How about this," he said, "Let's go down stairs, make some dinner, and wait for them to get back so we can tell them, ok?"

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