Chapter 12: Up On The Roof

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Elsa's Pov:
It's last lesson and it's maths, (double maths) I thought I would be sitting next to Jack but I'm not. I have no idea what's going on. I tried asking Kristoff, Swift, Rebecca I even tried asking Lydia (A/N she will be introduced soon) I really don't talk to people I avoid it as much as I can but I was desperate to know.

Kristoff said that it's best to leave it for Jack to tell me, Swift said all she saw was a crowd shouting "fight!, fight!, fight!" Rebecca said she just tried to avoid it all. Loads of rumours are being spread about it some are saying that Jack just did it for no reason. But I don't believe it.

I want to know why Jack had a great big bruise up the side if his face, and why his knuckles were bleeding. I'm really worried, I know it's only a crush but he looked almost scary when I saw him.

It looked like all the fun had been drained of him.

But when I saw Pitch a part of me felt glad that he had been hurt. It's obvious that Pitch must of said something cause Jack's not that stupid. I don't care what the rumours say, I want to believe Jack only.

Lydia, who has elbow length dark blonde hair stands up with her bag over her shoulder. She walks up to sir.

"Sir I need to go see someone, it's important. May I go?" She asks politely

The room had fallen silent so that they could ease drop on her conversation. I saw Swift and Rebecca looking worried in Lydia's direction.

"Yes just be as quick as you can" Mr. Segar answers happily.

Lydia walks out the room, the room then erupts with chattering knowing that there is nothing interesting to listen to anymore.

I try my best to carry on with my work.


Lydia's Pov:
I walk down the stairs as fast as I can without tripping up. I then walk over to the main office, and knock on the heavy door.

"Come in!" a teacher yells being lazy

I walk in and the 3 teachers pairs of eyes land on me.

"Yes what can we help you with? Do you feel sick?"

I shake my head in response

"No I'm not ill, I need to see Jack Frost, I heard he got in a fight and I assumed this is where he would be" I answer

"No go back to your lesson both of them boys are in big trouble after they get medical treatment they will then be put in isolation" the teacher says moving her hand in a shooing motion.

"Please miss, I have to give him something really important, he asked me to" I lie

The teacher admits defeat and lets out a large sigh.


I walk over to the medical room and open the heavy door. When I enter I immediately see Jack and Pitch with plasters and cotton balls held in place with tape, and ice packs held up against Jack's head and Pitch's arm.

"What do you want cow?" Pitch says with a sneer

Ignoring Pitch I walk strait towards Jack who was sitting down with out saying a word I hand him Elsa's notepad including the scrunched up pieces that I had tried my best to fix.

"Thanks, you didn't have to" He says politely with a small smile.

"I saw what happened, and I heard what that bastard over there said to you" I say pointing to Pitch

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