movie night

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It's just me and my best friend Emily, sat in the front room watching The Kissing Booth, waiting for others to arrive for the movie night. I'm only really hoping one person will be there. Nicholas.

There's something about him. Something different from everyone else. Deep in my heart, I know that I feel so much for him yet I couldn't ever put words on the feeling. Not that I would ever tell him or anyone else that.

"They're here" Emily slightly screams, pausing The Kissing Booth, jumping up from the floor, and moving towards the door.

'But he's not' I think to myself as I peer out of the window.

Almost suddenly, within an instant, he appears from behind the bush, hobbling onto the driveway with his ankle trapped within the moon boot. Whoever thought volleyball would be the sport to do that to him. He approaches the door and Emily goes to let him inside.

Butterflies swarm within my stomach as he walks towards me, his arms reaching out for a hug. His arms wrap me in a warm bear hug, my heart beaming with happiness. I just about manage to squeak out a 'hi' or some sort of variation of that.

He makes me weak. With one hug, one look, I was as nervous as one could be. The way my feelings take over my thoughts, making me incapable of talking or functioning.

I snap out of my thoughts, being forced to welcome in the other boys and girls who arrived with him.

Gradually, people filter into the living room, sitting on various couches, cushions, and chairs. Emily shuffles back down to the floor to where we were before and I follow, placing myself by the corner of the couch. Conversation fills the room, everybody catching up with one another.

After a small while, the conversation dies down, everybody ready to start a movie. Unfortunately for me, they all chose IT. Something for my whole 17 years on this planet, I've been able to avoid. My heart almost sinks, the one thing I didn't want to watch. Horror. I turn my back away from the television, laying on my stomach and playing on my phone, clicking through various social media apps and games.

About half an hour passes and I begin to grow uncomfortable, having the desire to turn around. Cautiously, I turn back around to face the television, my back propped against the couch. My knees bend up, placing my big fluffy blanket over them, forming some kind of barrier between me and the movie. I made a wise decision to not watch. Whilst I may still be scared, at least all I can hear are sound effects, music, and the screams of those around me.

The tension in the music builds and I begin to prepare myself for another jump scare that I will still, knowing me, jump at. Before I could, one of the boys jumps up behind me, placing their hands on my shoulders and to put it simply, scaring the living daylights out of me.

I stand up, running away into another room, taking a moment to regather myself. Finally walking back into the room, I see Nicholas sat on the end of the couch. Taking a big leap of faith, I take a seat next to him.

Nerves ran up my spine and at that moment there was nothing I could focus on except for him.

'play it cool Hannah' I told my self. Easier said than done of course.

I reach down for the blanket, moving it again to cover my knees. A barrier. Nicholas simply sits there and eventually begins to talk to me (I know right, me). He gets it, I'm scared. As he begins to narrate IT, my nerves slowly ease and I begin to feel a little more comfortable around him.

IT comes to a close, and thus, the end of the commentary. Waiting for the next film to start, I brush my foot against his moon boot. Sparks shoot up my legs and all around my body, giving me a feeling like I have never felt before. Maybe what I feel for him is something more than what I thought.

The next movie starts, not that I'm paying too much attention anyway. In this moment, everyone around me almost doesn't exist. It's just me and Nicholas. Talking, sharing one of our first true interactions.

Conversation with him becomes so easy and we both start to notice the many boys and girls who have coupled up in the room over the course of the night. His finger points around the room, counting up the number of 'couples'.

"Isabella and Rowan... Emily and Brad... Gabrielle and Phlynn," he whispers.

'Me and you' I thought to myself.

He takes his hand, and whilst I wish he was going to grab my hand, but instead, he brushes his hand over my fluffy blanket.

"Whaaat, thats so fluffy!" He comments.

"Yeah, I love fluffy things" I randomly say

He lets out a small chuckle. The way his lips curve upwards to make a smile makes my heart beat faster and cause my butterflies to start flying again. I wish this night could last forever.

Yet before I know it, the second movie is over. He makes the phrase "time flies when you're having fun" come to life. Although in my heart I didn't want to leave, I knew I had to be home. Saying my final goodbyes to everyone, I take my fluffy blanket and phone and begin to leave. I walked around the room, giving everyone a final goodbye hug.

"See you guys soon!" I say to everone.

"I'll miss you," Nicholas says as I walk out of the door.

Wait... He what??

"Nah, you'll just miss my blanket," I said in response, slightly, very much, freaking out.



Hey guysss! So it's been a while since I wrote anything and I kinda felt like writing again. So I've started this new book! let me know your thoughts etc.. (and for those of you who have read my TBS fanfic, hopefully, this won't take a strange ass turn as that one did).

Much love,

Me xoxox

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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