Epilogue: The Morning After

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Daoming Si gently shook Shancai awake. "Shancai... it's time to wake up," he whispered gently in her ear, and smiled when she buried her face in his chest. "Do we really have to go out there?" she asked, her voice muffled, "Everyone knows what we did last night." He laughed, "That's because you announced it to them, silly girl." She pushed herself away from him and punched his arm, "Well you're the idiot that wanted to get some. Who does it in a tent anyway??" He wriggled his eyebrows at her, "We do, apparently." She pouted at him, "Daoming Si! How am I supposed to face them?!" He reached for her and pulled her close again. "Don't worry about it, they're our friends. Just don't mind their teasing, they'll get over it soon enough," he reassured her with a kiss on her head. She hugged him tight, took a deep breath, then said, "Okay, fine, let's go."

They opened the tent and got out into the campsite. "Good morni--" Shancai stopped mid-stretch as she took in the sight before her. Meizuo and Ximen were shooting dagger looks at each other as they prepared the breakfast that Xiaozi brought with her. Xiaozi was sipping a cup of coffee and seemed to be sneaking glances at Lei, who was rubbing his shoulder.

Shancai looked at Si, who shrugged at her. He went over to Meizuo and Ximen and clapped his hands on their shoulders. "What's for breakfast?" he asked them cheerily, but they didn't reply. He looked at Shancai, who was starting to look worried. He winked at her then said, "Heeeey, guess who got some last night!" He wriggled his eyebrows at them, and Shancai looked ready to punch him. But to his surprise, Ximen muttered, "You're not the only one." Meizuo looked at Ximen, "I already said I'm sorry!" Ximen looked at him, "I was out here almost all night! I said I'd give you half an hour!" "But it's not my fault that she--" Meizuo protested but Ximen waved him off, "I don't want to hear it! You just-- you owe me, big time." Si watched as Meizuo gave Ximen a 90-degree bow. "I am very, very, very sorry," he said in front of Ximen, who had his arms crossed over his chest. He stood upright, and Ximen nodded seriously at him. "Forgiven," he declared, and the pair shook hands over it. Si scratched his head, wondering what just happened, when Shancai joined him and decided to pass around the plates. "Let's eat, I'm starving!" she said, reaching for the food.

They helped themselves and sat on the logs, eating. "Hey Xiaozi," Si said, "What's your plan?" Xiaozi's head snapped up and she looked like a deer in the headlights. "I didn't plan that," she said hurriedly, and everyone looked at her bewildered. Everyone except for Lei, who Shancai noticed was looking at Xiaozi thoughtfully. "What do you mean? You brought us all here! This was your master plan," Meizuo reminded her, and she flushed. "Oh, that. Yes. My plan," she bit her lip, "I actually didn't really think this through. I just thought that they would find us eventually, but they haven't yet." She stood up and clapped her hands together. "So I say, let's make the most of the time we have here and just have fun!"

After breakfast, they decided to play on the beach. Shancai wore a borrowed swimsuit from Xiaozi, and Si couldn't keep his hands off her. Meizuo, Ximen, and Lei splashed one another, while Xiaozi lay on the shore. She closed her eyes briefly, when she felt a shadow over her. She peeked and saw Lei standing there. "Join us," he said, reaching out his hand to her. She looked up at him through her lashes and was blinded by that dazzling smile. She rolled her eyes at him to try to keep her cool, but took his hand and let him help her up. She was surprised when he didn't let her hand go as they walked to the water, and she thought she saw Shancai nudge Daoming Si. She squealed when she felt the cool waves lapping at her legs. "Let's get you wet," Lei winked at her and Xiaozi blushed as she remembered. He splashed her with a laugh, and she retaliated by splashing him back. He went around behind her and put a hand on her waist. "I'm gonna get you later," he whispered in her ear and she felt a tingling sensation inside her. He hooked his arm around her waist and dragged her to Meizuo and Ximen, who splashed her together. The four of them splashed one another as Si and Shancai looked on. "What was that?" Shancai whispered to Si as he hugged her from behind, loving the feel of her body against his. "I have no idea," Si whispered back, "It looks like some things happened last night while we were busy." They looked at one another and giggled before joining their friends. Would what happened on the island stay on the island? Only time would tell.

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