Chapter 2: Introductions

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I woke up with a jolt, sweat cascading down my back. I instinctively traced my scar on my hand that I traced with ink so it was now a tattoo. My scar translated to Death is My Fate in French. My stomach rumbled as it did at exactly 6:45 a.m. I got up and did the necessities of the morning because otherwise Seraphina would pull out the chancla as she did each time I did something I wasn't supposed to. I tumbled down the stairs in a semi-sleep haze and went into the kitchen.

Seraphina was the person who took me in after I was orphaned 12 years ago. Her husband had died 3 years prior to adopting me. They could not have children because Seraphina was infertile and as they were about to adopt, he died. From what I hear from Gertie(the local gossip) she was pretty torn.

Since Gertie is such a big gossip, after the news of me being an orphan "mysteriously" traveled around, I landed a full-ride scholarship to Magic Redwood High for when I got older. It's history includes how all the storybook characters went there: Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Snow White, Beast, Rapunzel, Charming, and Red Riding Hood(my mother).

My mother's name was Natalia and was the most loving person there was. Some people don't remember a deceased loved one from when their young, but I remember every detail. How she smelled like peppermint and pine. How she loved scary movies, her favorite being 28 Days Later. How she always left annoying jewel encrusted bobby pins laying around the floor. How I would end up taking care of her more than she took care of me. She was wild and carefree and I loved her more than the air I breathed, even at 4 years old.

When Seraphina adopted me, we understood each other more than others because we knew what it felt like to lose a piece of your soul. I believe she was made for me other than my mom.

Back to the school. It is held in a castle next to Glittering Rivers. The castle is made with shining ivory bricks and moss creeping up with age. It had vines with flowers wrapping around each tower multiple times. There are horses, fairies, teachers who all have PHDs(mathematicians, scientists, etc.), the most amazing swimming pool ever, and lunch made by famous chefs. It is one of those schools you expect stuck-up rich kids to go to(which there are except for most scholarshippers).

Oh, I just realized something. I never introduced myself. My name is Mistletoe Holly Hood. My mom was very obsessed with Christmas, as one could probably tell by my name. My home is Woodlands, StoryBrook, U.K.F.S.(United Kingdom of Fairy Tales). I am 16 years old and a writer. Also, an artist. I am pretty bad at it though. My favorite things in the world, though, are books. If I could come up with three words to describe myself, they would be: quiet, hard working, and an outsider. If my friends had three words, they would be: creative, hilarious, and loving. Oh, don't forget beautiful. I'm not bragging. They said it themselves. I guess I should introduce them.

My best friends names are Sophia Fitzherbert and Rachel Naveen. Rachel is semi-obnoxious and also part of the "in crowd". She is part of the "in crowd" because of the fact her mother is a known princess (The only black princess. Princess Tiana. Hasn't anyone watched Princess in the Frog?!). Although she is very kind and loving, which is the only reason I put up with her.

Sophia has the most hair out of everyone in the whole school because she is Rapunzel's daughter . She is the most flexible in our group from the 10 years of gymnastics(also, the fact her mother has taught her to swing around using her hair), and even quieter than me, which is saying a lot. She always makes me laugh with her witty jokes and pick up lines.

Now to my "enemies". Jennifer Smith hates me. Not that I did anything wrong, of course. She's annoyed and jealous. Let us just say, the boy she likes pays attention to me more. What makes it worse is her mom is Headmaster.

Next is Emily Rose, whose mother is Aurora( Sleeping Beauty). The people who write about my mom's old classmates failed to mention Aurora was stuck-up. She taught her daughter to put her nose in the air if you weren't of royal blood when Emily was but a toddler. I don't think Emily actually hates me, but her mother wants her to because Aurora hated my mom.

Lastly, is Satiana Charming. Her name fits her personality perfectly because she is a Satan-spawn and "Charms" all the guys (you see what I did there) except her brothers. She is the "queen" of the group. I feel like she hates me the most because I turned her down when she wanted me to be one of her clones. Ever since, she's been making my life miserable. Oh,well.

Saitiana has two brothers who couldn't be more different than night and day. There is Jack who was "popular"and quite annoying. He expects me to kiss the ground his feet walk on because he has silky, honey hair and eyes as blue as the sky, which hints at his Viking ancestors. Also, he makes every girl swoon(except me). He has been trying to get me to fall in love with him since I started high school (2 years ago).

Timothy, however, is my best video game buddy. We always call each other and release all our tension by obliterating aliens and blowing up goblins. He is my best (and only) guy friend and we would probably be dating if not for the fact that I am a loner, he is already in love with someone else, and he is not my type. We started becoming friends when we joined all the same clubs and could name off most of the same favorite things. We started a book club and everyone in it has been polite to me, but friendly to Timmy. It probably has something to do with wanting to be friends with James, but I don't want to hurt Timmy's feelings and let us just say Timmy is what one would call sensitive. 

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