Trying Not to Snap~

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Hey again, it's Hazel! So....yeah no one decided to read my authors note. So if you guys still have any punishments for me, comment and I'll do em' if they aren't to bad.... Alright. Hope you guys enjoy. Byea! ♥️♥️Hazel~~
Mark's POV-

Tyler and Ethan have been together for about a week now. They seem pretty good for each other so far. Well aside from the fact that they have completely have been ignoring me for that past week, I mean it's pretty good. We have recorded a couple of videos together, but not much. Ethan has been kinda been minding his own business. I mean it's fine, I kinda just miss hanging out as much, but as long as he is happy I don't mind...

*Time skip to the next time he sees them~*

As I walked into Ethan's recording room, I saw Ethan sitting on Tyler's lap, while he sat in Ethan's chair.

"You guys look comfy. What have you been recording?" I smirked at them because I knew that they haven't been doing anything but sitting here and cuddling. Tyler rolled his eyes as he saw me step in, and Ethan perked up.

"W-well I just finished my Outlast recoding...halfway..." He giggled and looked down at Tyler, looking slightly guilty. Tyler just sighed.

"What does it matter? As long as he is getting his videos out consistently I mean it's fine whatever we do." He raised one eyebrow and smirked.

"I never said there was anything wrong with you guys making out in here." I chuckled to myself and saw Ethan's face light up with blush. He flew off of Tyler's lap and stood up quickly. The blush slowly began to fade as he walked near the door of the the room and turned to us.

"I-I'm going to get something to drink. Ty you up for anything?" He seemed hesitant as he bounced his weight from leg to leg. Tyler looked at him confused. He got up and cocked his head.

"Erm...I'll get it myself." As he went to step forward once, Ethan ran and pushed him into his chair. He giggled once and smirked.

"Just stay down. I'll get us both a glass of water. I'll be right back up." He laughed once more, and then he was off. I turned to Tyler confused.

"Is he.... always like this now?" His expression mirrored mine, which told me he was just as confused as I was. His eyes drifted shut and he sighed heavily, then opened them once more. He stood and turned to the camera perched above the computer. As he did, he stopped dead.

"Would you even would have ever of guessed that Ethan....felt... That way?" I sighed, as he did, just a second ago.

"I didn't. I wouldn't have."
Ethan's POV-

I swiftly bounded down the stairs, and looked around. Water. Get it and get back. As I took a step towards the kitchen, anxiety overwhelmed me. I glanced around quickly, then took one step towards the bathroom, then looked around again to see if anyone is seeing me. Not seeing anyone, I slipped into the bathroom and shut the door, very, very softly. Ty would kil- No...he wouldn't do anything to me because I knew that he wouldn't find out... I clicked the lock shut, and sat on the toilet seat, as I rolled up my left sleeve.

I stared at my arm for a minute trying to decide...I made my final decision as I pulled out the blade that I always keep in one of my pockets. I looked back up to the mirror and sighed. Looking down again, I pressed the cold, very sharp razor, again once more to my skin. The contact jogged all my memories of the moment just like this one. I pressed only lightly, as I slid the blade against my skin once, and watched the blood behind to bead at the surface of my arm as I threw my head back and sighed. My stress began to melt more and more, the harder I pressed the blade against my skin. The amount of blood on my arm began to grow rapidly, as my anxiety kept bringing my head back to one thing. What if Tyler doesn't care? And he is doing this so I don't hurt myself? The thoughts continued to storm my mind, as three cuts grew into seven, and those seven to nine. Blood was beginning to run off my arm, and the soft dripping sound of it hitting the tile just motivated me to keep going.

I didn't realize how long I was taking down here until my Apple watch beeped once. I jumped at the sudden noise and shot up. I jammed the blade onto my pocket once more and ran my arm under the faucet and wiped the blood up with toilet paper and flushed it. The door unlocked with a soft click, and I stepped out panicking. I looked around once more, them shot to the kitchen. Grabbing the waters, I ran back upstairs to the recording room and knocked on the door with my foot, of course my hands were full.

Mark opened the door, and his face lit up as he saw me standing there, smiling. Or at least what he thought was a smile. I was just pushing a smile on my face again. I've done it too much to even think about it... He laughed and smiled again.

"Here he is Tyler." He shouted over his shoulder. Tyler padded up to the door and grabbed a glass. He took one sip then grinned at me in the hall.

"What took so long?" He motioned for me to come inside, and I followed his command and he shut the door. He set his water down and the sat down. I smirked at his sluggish posture.

"I went to the bathroom, then got water! What else would I be doing?" I pretended to get offended, and laughed it off. "I'm just kidding. It's the truth though. Just went to the bathroom and got water." Tyler eyed me up, and then looked away once more. I walked over and flopped onto his lap. I smirked over my shoulder and then clicked on my computer and began scrolling through Twitter. Mark just stood in the corner.
Mark's POV-

Ethan's attitude has been....strange again lately. He is super happy, but maybe it's just because of Tyler loving up on him so much. Whatever... I know he's ok.

I giggled at Tyler and Ethan and stepped out of the room. Shutting the door softly behind me, I knew that they would be ok. It's Ethan for crying out loud! If he has made it this far, he will be ok. I laughed to myself, under my breath, and set off down the hall towards my room...
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• are you? Y-Yeah? That's good....I haven't seen you on a while! Ok. The truth is that...this chapter has been put off because some of the events in this story have been going on in my depression has been acting up, and this is my release. (I'm sorry for the drama. This is personal stuff.) Ok. Well I hope you enjoyed another chapter of "Fine Now~" See you in the next chapter! ♥️♥️Hazel~

Fine Now~((Tythan))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant