- Chapter 2 - Bingo~

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Catherine's POV

Me and Ruff have been walking for hours now an-

Okay, who am I kidding..

We have been walking for 30 minutes, and, well, theres really not THAT much loot.

I got some more clothes (of course) some more food, even managed to find some chips, and I got me another 2 500ml water.


But still, I gotta find a permanent little house. Somewhere those creatures wont reach. Both day and night.

A ship?

Whoa, whoa thats too big (Thats what she said).. A little cruise ship maybe?

Hmm that might work. Thank god I know how to control a ship.

- Hey, My dad taught me how to..

And I wrote it in my dang journal.

"Hey Ruff, buddy, do you want to stop for a while?" I asked my dog, since he IS the only being I could presently talk to. Ruff sat down in response.

"I guess that means yes, huh buddy?"

I opened dog food for my dog and ate some chips. I didn't really eat it all. I was busy in thought.

After an hour, I found my salvation.

A cruise ship!

'Hopefully its full..' I thought checking its overall and hey! its even got like 10 more extra fuel!

The rooms had some stock of food and well, I gotta say, Im impressed.

"We did it boy. We DID it!" I cheerfully told my dog. He seems to be happy and tired since he barked then went to rest.

So, I thought maybe we could go to Sacramento by morning. Who knows? maybe there are survivors there. For now, I'll get those gears and engines also fuels and put them in the ship, just in case.. I AM paranoid about this stuff.

But hey, at least I can relax. For now.

Ian's POV

We have been roaming Sacramento for

DAYS now. And I have to say, we cant just 'Stop and REST'!

I mean, those CREATURES are hella scary. And were running low on supplies.. It wont fit Me, Anthony, Kalel, and Jessa Alone! We have to share one single food to save more..

This is hell. I hope someone will help us..



So this is the 2nd Chapter!

So, What do you think Catherine was thinking about?

Lemme know in the comments below!

What? Im curious..

Well see ya!


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