Chapter 13 - A couple?

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Catherine's POV

"I was wondering if you..." Ian paused for a moment. Was he going to ask me out or something? Im thinking of this waay to much...

"What is it Ian?"

"If.. You could leave the room so I could get dressed or something?" Oh. I thought.. Nevermind, he doesn't like me or anything.

"Ahaha~ Okay then! See you. Also, bring Buki and Pip to the kitchen with you later. Thanks Ian" I said, smiling.

"I will. See you." I stood up and walked to the door, looking at Ian for one last time and went out...

Why cant I stop looking at Ian? Do I really like him? But.. Does he like me back?

I was filled with thoughts, walking towards my room and saw Ruff looking at me happily. I smiled.

"Hey boy!" Ruff was barking happily at me. I took some of his food from the cabinet where I kept Ruff's and my food in and gave it to him. He ate his food while I took a warm shower.

While so, I cant stop thinking about Ian.. His laugh, his smile, his cute blue eyes, that 'bowl cut' of his. Everything.

"Does Ian love me back though?" I silently whispered to myself. We'll find out soon.

After that shower, I dried my brown hair with a towel then went on to decide what I must wear.

I took out a tank top which had black n' white stripes on it, then took a black hoodie out. Then I had shorts but not that short. And, I had my skyblue converse shoes out and a pair of socks.

"Meh, good enough." After that, I wore them and combed my hair, turning it into a bun but my bangs were still there.

"Now I need one more thing." I searched my bag for something and saw my black RayBans glasses. It was still here, huh? I put it on and looked at the mirror.

"Nice... I guess" Then I took Ruff out with me to go to the diner/kitchen room.

"Ruff, c'mere." Ruff walked over to me and we both went to Ian's room. Maybe he was done dressing up already.

I knocked on his door.

"Ian?" I asked, still knocking.

"Just a second!" After that, he opened the door. He had Buki and Pip next to him. He wore a sweater that had 'Monday You Bastard' and brown pants.

"What?" Ian asked.

"Nothing.. I thought maybe we could head there.. Together" I blushed as I finished my statement (lol really 'statement'?). Ian nodded and we both headed to the kitchen/dining room.

As we opened the door, I smelled the sweet scent of.. Pancakes?!

"Hey guys!" Kalel said, waving then continuing on making more pancakes.

"You guys should try Kalel's pancakes! It's good." Anthony eated some more of Kalel's pancakes on the dining table. Me and Ian put the cats and Ruff by the kitchen, then we both sat down next to each other. Anthony handed out some plates and put Kalel's huge stack of pancakes in the middle of the table. I started eating the one on my plate.

Anthony wasn't lying at all. These pancakes are DELICIOUS! And plus, I haven't had these since before this whole shit.

"Soo? How are they?" Kalel said, going to her seat next to Anthony. ( and yes, she turned off the stove)

"It's good!" I said, getting some more and everybody laughed.

"What? It is." I pretended to be mad and crossed my arms. I swear I heard Ian said 'You're cute when you're mad'.

"What?" I turned to Ian and he blushed then turned away.

"N-nothing." Ian continued eating his pancakes and so did I.

"So... Catherine" Anthony said "Didn't you say that the Hero would have 5 companions? The thing is, there's only three of us." Anthony's right. "Also, we've only found out one of our 'powers'. Where are the other ones?"

"Well, I was thinking the same thing and perhaps the other two companions are in different places. Speaking of, I've been planning to go to the UK. It's kinda far, perhaps 3-5 days. But, it's worth it.. Kind of." I said. " Oh, and to the 'superpower' thing, you have to practice and think of it." Everybody nodded in agreement.

"Oh, and Cath?" Kalel asked.


"Me and Kalel were wondering about you and Ian... Well.." Anthony joined in the convo.

"What is it?" Ian asked. He joined our convo too huh?

"... Are you guys dating or something?" WHOA. I didn't expect that. I mean, I wish we were but.. Were not.

"H-huh?" I blurted out.

"What made y-you think that?!" Ian said. I can tell that he's probably blushing now.

"Well, you guys always seem to be sweet to each other.. Like earlier~" Kalel said winking.

"And the fact that you guys slept on the same bed.." Anthony was raising an eyebrow at Ian as if to say 'Did you guys do it?' then smirked. Ian blushed and shaked his head 'No'.

"Like I said, I had a nightmare. And by that time of the night, I cant sleep back. I needed comfort. Kalel was my first choice but I remembered that Anthony was with her... So, Ian was my last choice."

"Oh..." Anthony and Kalel understood why..

"Now, Anthony?" I turn to him.


"Do you mind operating the ship today? Dont reach 'till night though. I'll do the night shift."

"I'll do it Cath. No biggie" Ian volunteered.

"You could both do it.. Switch shifts?" Kalel suggested.

"Okay then. Anyhow.. Anthony? Can you start now?"

"Wha-? Oh yeah sure.. After some more pancakes... Yum." We all laughed at Anthony's statement and after like 10 more pancakes, Anthony started to go towards UK.



Sorry I didn't post on Saturday! I was sooo busy procrastinati- DOING SOMETHING REAALLY IMPORTANT.

Putting that aside, Did you guys hear about Ian and Melanie breaking up? I sad bro. I so sad.

I totally respect their decision.

All those years were fun while it stayed. ; - ; - great, now I is cries agen.

Well, thats about it folks.


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