Chapter 8

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What. What's going on? Is this a dream? It better not be. I pinched myself multiple times until my arm went numb but I didn't "wake up". 

This wasn't a dream. This was real life.

Was Eli really breaking up with me? I thought we had something. I thought we had a connection like no other. Did I do something? What did I do? Was I too forceful the other night? Did Eli not like it? Was he not ready...? I should've gotten his consent! Was that what made him break it off? WHAT. HAD. I. DONE.

Droplets of tears spilled onto my phone. It'd only been a couple weeks since we'd started dating but the thought of being away from him tortured me. Just as he said it'd torture him. I curled up into a tight ball and let my tears fall. A small puddle of water landed right where it sat and continually grew with each drop. Ellias was my everything. I needed him. He was part of me. 

Without him I was a puzzle with a missing piece. I wasn't complete without him.


Said I'd update again...and I did. mhdbsn)&)$$;

I hope you enjoyed this...hehe

Please vote because I have a swim meet this weekend and my tendon is killing me when I bend my hand back so I need support uwu


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