Why would you?

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Jade's POV

I couldn't stop crying. I lost the love of my life, my heart was broken. I loved Perrie so much, she was literally my everything. She kept me strong. ''I'm just a horrible person, I don't even deserve to be here" I thought. I stood up and whiped my tears away and decided to text Perrie. I needed her.

''Pez, yes, I call you just Pez, even though you like it or not. You're still my little Pez. But please listen to me, I love you Perrie, you're the best thing that has ever happend to me. Do you remember those nights we were cuddling and tell each other how much we loved each other? I miss you Perrie, please. I know you hate me right now, and I know I deserve it because I'm just the worst girlfriend ever but I love you, I really do Perrie. So please let me explain the things of what happend earlier. Meet me in 1 hour at the park, please? If you don't show up, I will accept the fact that you hate me and never want to see me again, but please, give me one more chance Pez. I love you, forever.
Love, Jadey.

I've read the message for the fifth time and then I pressed on ''send''. I was scared, scared about her not showing up. Scared about losing her. I felt myself getting sick. I just layed on the bed as I pressed my head in Perrie's pillow. It still smells like her. I felt my eyes getting filled with tears again.

Perrie's POV

I called Jesy asking her if I could stay at her house tonight. I didn't want to tell her yet about Jade and me so I told her Jade went going out with Leigh tonight and I didn't wanted to be alone. She was very excited about the sleep over and she decided to watch movies the whole night. I wasn't that excited tho but I had to act like I was,  because maybe she will suspect something.

When I arrived at her home I knocked on the door. "Perrie oh my gosh I missed you how are you?" She hugged me. I hugged her back and giggled "I missed you too Jes" I said and smiled. We went to her bedroom and made ourself ready for the sleepover. "Jes, can I take a shower please?" I asked her shyly. "Of course Pez, why you even asking?" She giggled. I smiled and went to her bathroom. "I'm going to get the nacho's and some drinks!" She yelled. I'll just nodded and locked the door.

When I came out of the shower I decided to call my mom, she needed to know about what happend. I unlocked my phone and saw a new text. It was from Jade. "Of course" I sighed. I opened it and started to read it. Tears were filling my eyes as I read the message. "She was the best thing that ever happend to me too, but she hurted me. So much" I thought. I whiped my tears away and decided to call my mom.

"Mommy?" I said

"Perrie! Baby! How are you, I miss you sweety!" My mom said.

"Mom, I need to tell you something" I almost cried

"Perrie, sweetheart?! What's wrong, did someone hurt you?"

"No mom it's just.. Jade and I broke up"

It was quiet for like 15 seconds.

"WHAT?! Perrie why? What happend? Perrie are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm at Jesy's house mom everything is alright don't worry about me"

"Perrie, what happend tell me please"

"Mom I gotta go, I tell you later I'm sorry. Love you!" I said and hung up.

I sighed. "Why does life has to be this hard"

Jade's POV

After 30 minutes of waiting I still didn't received a message back. I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed my blade and pressed it on my wrist. ''I need to do it. I only hurt people so why shouldn't I hurt myself?'' I thought and I started cutting. I felt blood dripping along my skin. I put my head between my legs and started crying. "I just love her so much I want her back" I thought. I stood up and cleaned the blood from my wrist. I grabbed my jacket and went outside. I walked straight to the park and I felt my phone vibrate. My heart made a little jump. Hoping it was Perrie, but my face dropped when I saw it wasn't Perrie but..

"Oh darling, why?"   [jerrie]Where stories live. Discover now