The Sixth

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Hotch turned as Garcia rushed into the conference room, laptop in hand, "I have so much news"

"Did you get a hit on the blood?" Morgan asked. Garcia shuddered,

"You mean the blood this sicko left on my beautiful newly painted walls? Yes."

Rossi sat down, "Who's was it?"

Garcia glanced at Morgan, who sighed, "It was the kids wasn't it"

The tech analyst nodded, "It matched the DNA of the body you found at Rosso's" she put her laptop down, "I also talked to records and apparently they did have a glitch in their system but no one noticed because it was during the bi-monthly evac drill"

Prentiss shook her head, "Perfect cover"

Garcia held up a finger, "But I also got a hit on the three rings found at JJ's"

JJ walked to stand behind her, "Who?"

"They belong to three agents who work two floors down"

Reid wrinkled his nose, "What?"

Garcia nodded, "I'm not finished, the weird thing is, unlike the rest of the rings owners, these agents aren't missing, they've clocked in every day in the past week"

"Including today?" Prentiss asked, when Garcia nodded, she looked at Hotch, "We need to talk to them"

"Okay, Dave, go with her. As of now, they aren't suspects but be careful" Hotch nodded to them as they left.

"Hey Hotch?" Hotch looked at Reid, who looked at Morgan, who nodded.

"If you don't know any of the other three people then there's a large chance that the person you know is-"

"The Unsub" Morgan finished.

Hotch turned back to the board, "I know, I've gone through records and made calls, no one I've put away has recently been realised and I can't find any family members or acquaintances that fit the profile" he shook his head, "Without a motive, without a suspect, we're playing his game"

JJ put her face in her hands, "He's doing this on purpose, spacing out the attacks just enough to keep us exhausted and on edge"

"We can't do this much longer Hotch" Morgan admitted.

Hotch let a breath out through his nose, "Then let's make sure we don't have to"


"Agent Andrews!" Prentiss called out to an agent walking down the hall, he turned and paled when he saw them.

Rossi walked up to him, "Can we ask you a few questions?"

He looked around nervously then back at the two agents, "It's not time"

"Time for what?" Prentiss asked slowly.

"You have to wait for the others"

Rossi gave Prentiss a look, "Do you mean agents Tracy and Morris?"

Agent Andrews looked at the ground, "And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."

Prentiss put her hand on her gun, "Why don't you come with us?"

"Keep my wife safe" He pulled his gun off his hip, before either Prentiss or Rossi could react, he turned it to his head and pulled the trigger.

The people around them started to panic, the agents pulled their guns, the rest made for the door.

Prentiss put her hands up, "It wasn't us!"

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