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please ignore this gross Sendak

momthekiwi I love you and I hope you enjoy what I have so far ♥︎

"I'm heading out for a couple of hours so you'll have to have dinner without me." Shiro announces in a light tone as he saw Keith's feet appear from the top of the stairs. Shiro was wearing his Garrison uniform with its golden stripes resting proudly on his broad shoulders.

Keith came down the stairs to find shiro standing in front of the door. He looked at him up and down but covered it with a swift blink.
"Where are you going? The Garrison isn't open at this time of night." Keith's voice had a slight edge to it. He had a horrible pang in his stomach, like a coin falling down a well and just not knowing when it'll find the bottom.

Shiro only smiled gently at the boys uneasiness, "Matt and Sam Holt have asked me to be apart of their investigation. Matt apparently wants to find out what Coran was talking about." He shrugged and looked off to the side, looking a little confused, "whatever that means."

Shiro had no idea what Matt was looking for and he assumed that Matt didn't either but nonetheless he found it amusing. Feeling flattered that his co-worker and one of the oldest and respected students of the entire college invited him to do something outside of the Garrison. He just didn't question it.

Keith lost the strength to look at shiro anymore and just gazed at the area around his feet instead.

"I'll be back before midnight. I promise." Shiro said knowingly as he looked at Keith, his smile slowly loosing its curves.

Keith walked across the room to stand in front of the older male. "Make sure to have fun." Keith felt the corners of his lips curl into a smile when shiro put his hand on his shoulder and began to speak;
"And don't be waiting up for me, go to bed before I get home." He ordered as he turned to open the door.

"And do your homework!" Shiro called as he shut the door behind him.

Keith watched him disappear behind the door and locked it with his key, letting himself be consumed by the overwhelming silence that this house had to offer. The teenage boy glanced over to the kitchens direction; not feeling hungry, he moved himself to the couch and simply waited for shiro to return... looking over his homework from time to time.

※ ※ ※

Sam, Matt and shiro were out in a field with flashlights in hand.
Matt also held a brick of technology with a small needle pointing to where he and his small team where walking towards. The needle twitched every once in a while; that only happening if radioactivity levels were rising in that area.

That was what this device was build for anyways...

Matt Holt rarely used this device but one day when Matt was fiddling about with it as he had rediscovered it from his gadget box and when Coran came over to talk to someone close by, the needle flared up a little. It only seemed to do it when Coran was at a certain distance to it. It freaked Matt out so much that later on that day he told Coran and he said something about genes and curses that basically fired Matt's brain and he forgot it as soon as it entered his ears. Coran was good at making Matt do that.

Coran told him if he really wanted to see bizarre readings from that reader, then he'd best go into the forest at night and see what happens, being cautious of course.

Matt did not understand but made it happen nonetheless; even if coran said it in a scoffed manner, as if it was some kind of inside joke. If Matt hadn't gone out to see what the quiznak Coran was talking about, he would probably loose sleep over it.

Suddenly the needle jolted alive and Matt widened his eyes and took a sharp halt in surprise. Shiro peered over the shorter boys' shoulder. "Woah. What's happening?"

"Seems like it's picking up something VERY radioactive.." Sam adjusted his glasses on his face as he leaned in to take a look at it.

Matt looked up to see where they were walking towards and noticed a lump of a silhouette in the forest they were practically lost in. Matt strained his eyes as he began to only focus on that. "...what is that..?" He muttered but it was more to himself than to the others.

Shiro suddenly grabbed hold of Matts shoulder. His grip was so tense that Matt took his attention away from the silhouette and looked back at him. "Shiro?"

There was no reply.

Matt looked off to see where shiro and his father were looking at. Barely a yard behind them stood a giant wolf-like creature with blazing yellow eyes but no irises were to be found. The beast was snarling and a growl was gradually getting louder deep from its throat. It looked angry. Hungry. The devil itself. It's right eye narrowed and there was no doubt that it was glaring straight at them.
How did it come so close without them noticing?
Matt was frozen into place, barely noticing shiro look around and tense up even more.

There must've been more of them, Matt thought, he felt like he was going to burst from the fear that erupted inside of him. He wirily glanced down at his devise and noticed it going from side to side but it was now hitting the red section on either side; it hadn't done that when it came close to Coran.

Matt couldn't bring himself to release the air that he held in his lungs as he looked back up and stared, now wondering why it's fur seemed to look so purple.

This isn't real, Matt told himself over and over again as he noticed it's robotic paw.

Matt has so many questions.

He had no idea what to question first. This couldn't be real. He was going to wake up to Bae Bae licking his face like normal and he would wake up from this dream.

Without a second to waste, the giant wolf-like creature took action and charged right for them. Shiro managed to send the beast reeling to the left as he landed a hit on it. However, that only made the beast more angry and it didn't seem to hurt it as much as shiro wished. After that, beasts from all sides of them came charging at them.

Matt flinched his hands to his face and began screaming in hopes that'll send the message that he was waiting for it all to just go away and wake up in bed.

After they all screamed in fear, the trio collapsed to the floor, feeling like they had been clubbed from every angel. They all laid on the fields' grounds with cuts on their faces while they groaned their way into the darkness.

Shiro was able to look up at the wolf they first saw before seeing nothing but the back of his eyelids. The beast being mentioned towered over them as it's yellow eyes stared down at him.

shiro didn't know if he imagined it or not, but he could've sworn that monster was grinning as it raised its paw and thrashed it down hard onto his head.

A/N: ok weird start but I hope this doesn't cloud your judgement for the rest of the story!

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