AU explained

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Ok,, SO

This is a werefolf sort of au were Galra live amongst ordinary people -and look like ordinary people- except that they can turn into a unique purple wolf (because not every Galra looks the same in the show ofc) with yellow eyes at their own will. If a Galra has a robotic limb then it shifts and becomes a paw when they shift, zarkon being the one that secretly funds these special and unique prosthetic limbs ofc. If a Galra looses a limb and doesn't request for zarkons brand, then they it'll be painful have a human hand whilst being in their second form.

Alteans exist as a surname of blood that bounds them together. They know all too well of the Galra due to them being mortal enemies with the species since Alfor's death; before then the two races lived mutually with one another.

Alteans cannot changed unwillingly if a Galra chooses to bite one of them, unlike normal human beings. They may be the most richest family but their lips remain shut from revealing the truth about who's mingled in amongst them.

The average human would have no idea that Galra exist. If a human does find out about them and how world-spread they are then they would be wise to keep their head low and stay quiet about it.

Zarkon is now the king as he was once Alfors right hand man when he was king himself, however, Alfor had passed away around 10 years ago because of some... illness.

There are no such thing as betas and omegas etc,, this is not an omegaverse thing and there is no such thing as heats.. this is just a simple werewolve au. however there is such a thing of pure bloods, halfbreeds and the 'new'.
•pure bloods are people that were born with the full 'Galran gene and so can change whenever they want. A good example would be Sendak.
•halfbreeds are rare and they are people that have one parent that is Galra and one that is just a human being. They tend to struggle shifting at their own desire and normally a particular emotion triggers the transformation. But in time, a trigger or a LOT of training, they can shift whenever they want.A good example of a halfbreed would be Keith.
•the 'new' is a nickname for the ordinary people that got scratched or bitten by a galra and so they are becoming one themselves. The 'new' must train to be able to shift whenever they want. A good example would be lance (spoiler) or Hagar despite her being Altean as well.

Also, I am truly sorry if you disagree with how I make certain characters act and/or respond to things. I'm trying to make this fanfic the best that I can but as it's an AU there are a lot of scenarios that haven't been written in the show so I have to use my knowledge of that character, assume their thoughts and feelings, and come up with how they would react to it.

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