Another thing for the same class

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 After band practice I call up my brother to come pick me up. He said he'd do it more often because he doesn't really like me taking the city bus like Nano does.

I waited for him to come pick me up where I usually did, behind the building where my band's studio was. My phone rang. I picked it up and groaned, thinking it was my brother telling me he'd be late. I unlocked it and looked at the caller ID. It was Dorito-bro. I answered and put the phone near my face so I could hear him.

"Hey MemeyBoi." He says. I smile.

"What up my Dorito-bro?" I reply, laughing a little bit.

"Not much to be honest." he answered, pausing for a second, "So uh, do you wanna come over? Venus and I were going to watch some movies and we wanted to invite some friends."

"Oh heck yeah! I can even bring snacks." I reply, trying not to sound too excited even though on the inside I was kind of squealing. These two, they were really cool in my eyes. They have cool friends, they go cool places, they were just really cool people.

"Nice. I'm planning to make some cocoa so dont bring any soda or anything." He said. I could tell that he thought I was going to bring some mountain dew or something.

"Of course not, heh." I reply, giving a laugh, "By the way, how many people are coming over? Including me."

"Just you and Venus. Everyone else had plans." He replied. It was a saturday. Of course people had plans. I thanked him and we talked for a little more until my brother showed up. I said goodbye and hung up, putting my phone away.

"Hey Memey! What up? How was practice?" My brother asked as I got in the car.

"It was pretty lit tbh." I reply. He looks at me.

"Did you actually get to do anything this time?" He asks, looking a bit more serious than he usually does. I sigh.

"Not really... I just added like, two words to the chorus because Accordion thought it did not smooth out good enough." I laughed, "It was literally just, 'That's not cool bro' which isn't even a meme."


I looked at My bro. He seemed to be staring at the steering wheel.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Look it just seems like, you know.... Nano's replacing you..."

I look at him, confused.


"Think about it dude. What did you do before you invited Nano to the band?"

"I-i added sound effects to the songs, and I wrote the lyrics for a lot of them, and, and, I uh, used to sing in a lot of them and add jokes sometimes and stuff...?"

"Now. What does Nano do in the band?"

"He... He remixes the songs and edits them and writes lyrics and sings in most of the songs and adds audio effects and sets up all the instruments and knows how to do all the electronic stuff and he can add little melodies and stuff..."

"So, out of what you said, Nano does all the stuff you did, plus more. Right?" He looks at me, but not with his normal humorous attitude.

"N-" I would've said no. I wanted to say no. But I couldn't. My brother was right. Nano is basically replacing me. I didn't know what to say.

This was my band. I invited Nano to join. And now I realise that he was trying to replace me. I look back at the past few meets and I realise it even more.

The second meet after Nano joined we met at the building we're in now. Nano had convinced his dad to let him have one of the empty studios in the building.

Nano immediately had pretty much bossed everyone around. Telling me to get back to writing the lyrics when I started goofing off with Accordion.

My songbook is full of possible songs and lyrics and poems and stuff we could be using... But After Nano joined we've only done songs he's written or doing covers of songs by popular artists. Even though I told him that we should do more original songs.

Also, he keeps referring to Tippy as 'she' which is giving her a lot of dysphoria.

I lean over and give my brother a hug. He gives me a one armed hug back, then starts to pull out of the parking lot.

"Thanks bro... You're the best... " I say to him. He lets out a faint laugh.

"Nah man, you are number one dude. Numero uno." He replied, giving me a slight nudge. I laugh.

"I think you're the real MVP though. I could trust you with anything, and you would never tell anyone..." I say back. He looks at me, then back at the road.

"Hey... Memey.... Can I tell you a secret?" He asks me. I nod.

"Of course bro! You can tell me anything!" I reply. He glances at me again, smiling.

"Okay. Good." He says. He takes a deep breath, then sighs.

"Memey, I think I'm gay."

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