About the "Villain"

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(So MePod is called the villain cause MemeyBoi thinks he's trying to replace him)


"MePod?" My mom says, opening the door to my room.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask sarcastically. She sighs.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if your okay. You haven't left your room ever since band practice." she says to me, sitting next to me on my bed.

"I'm FINE" I reply, turning away from her and crossing my arms. She puts her hand on my arm.

"MePod, I just want to know what's going on. Can you please just talk to me without snapping?"

"Ohhhhhhh- Me talk to YOU without snapping!? God, I wish you could do that whenever you talked to DAD!" I yelled. She looked surprised and sad.


"CAUSE GUESS WHAT!? BECAUSE OF YOU I HAVE TO GO TO A STUPID HIGHSCHOOL, FILLED WITH STUPID BULLIES, AND BE STUPID WHENEVER I TRY TO INTERACT WITH ANYONE!! IF YOU HAD JUST TALKED TO DAD WITHOUT SNAPPING, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED! MY LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN FINE!! BUT YOU DID, AND NOW I HAVE TO LIVE HERE WITH YOU, AND GO TO A STUPID PUBLIC SCHOOL... ONLY BEING ABLE TO SEE DAD AND MY UNCLES ONCE A MONTH!" I continued. Tears were streaming out of my eyes, my voice hurt from yelling, and I regretted opening my mouth immediately. My mom looked at me, tearing up, taken aback by my yelling. She closed her eyes and swallowed some air.

"I didn't know you f-felt like that... Th-thank you for opening up to me..." She said, slowly getting up.

"I'm s-sor-"

"Don't be sorry for what needed to be said MePod. Your feelings matter too." She interrupted. She left the room and closed the door. I layed back on my bed, still crying. I heard a bang and I'm pretty sure I heard my mom yell 'GOD DAMMIT-" but that was pretty normal for her.

As I lied there on my bed and cried, I started thinking. Thinking of things I should have done. Thinking of things i shouldn't have done. Thinking of everything I do wrong. There was such a long lists of those.

I don't know how to interact with real people, I lash out too often, I don't understand what the deal with Pronouns is, I cry too often, I'm always mad, I hate myself, I say things I don't mean, I can't keep my mouth shut, I'm bossy, I'm a know it all, I pretend not to care, I made my mom cry so many times, and I cant even work up enough strength to apologise for real...

As I thought of all the things I did wrong, I remembered something...

That man....

The one that came up to me after school saying he was looking for someone gifted....

He said that he could help me, that he could make all my dreams come true if I wanted them to, he told me that he knew how to make me happy. He gave me a card, then left.

I thought about that memory for a few minutes, trying to figure out who he was and if he was legit. He seemed pretty serious, he was wearing one of those fancy shirt things, he had the newest MeepleWatch (which are VERY expensive), he even had an ID badge.

He was the real deal.

I hope his deal is real.

I look in my bag and find the card, then dial the number.

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