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He spent the day on the couch with his team.

Tony would have gladly gone back to his lab, but he wasn't allowed. Did he agree with being bossed around in his own home? No. But it was their home too, and everyone was kind of out of it.

Okay, everyone was really out of it.

Thor hadn't said a word since Tony got back. According to Bruce, he hadn't said a word since he fought with Thanos.

There was something about Thor that put him on edge. He couldn't put a finger on it, but Thor knew something.

Everyone was uncomfortable. They lost Vision, maybe it was that. Tony couldn't help but question what was really going on.

After a long fifteen minutes of silence, Natasha spoke. "Well, its late."

"Yea." Steve nodded, looking at the floor.

"You guys," A voice, much more filled with energy, spoke. "Are no fun."

Tony turned around to see a talking raccoon. "Why is he here?" He questioned.

Thor waved it off. "The rabbit is with me, Tony."

Everyone looked at Thor. His voice was weary, seemingly more shaken up than Bruce, which was not something Tony ever imagined with the God of Lightning.

'The Rabbit', as Thor called him, looked up at Tony. "You look like trash. Maybe you should sleep." He laughed. "Also, I'm Rocket."

Tony scoffed, walking out of the room. Yea, he needed to get some sleep.

At about 3 am, Tony was still wide awake. He slipped into his lab and sat down. There was something on the counter that caught his eye. A spider. 

It crawled its was to the wall, walking up and hanging onto the roof. Tony could feel his heart pace. "Kid." He whispered, unsure what he was thinking.

Tony didn't know any kid, he didn't have a kid. What did this spider mean to him that caused him to say it?

Maybe he was going mad. Maybe the spider meant something.

He wasn't the only one who felt like he lost something. What happened during the fight? What did Thanos do?

Tony thought he was alone. But when the voice spoke, he couldn't find who it belonged to. "Yea?"

Tony looked around in fear. "Okay, this isn't funny. Who's there?"

"Its me," the voice replied. It sounded like a child. Like a kid. 

"Who?" Tony called out. He sunk into his chair.

"Its me, Mr. Stark. Don't you remember me?"

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