VI. Not A Fox Found In Your Place

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As the red sun rises, Jools puts on his jogging shoes, squatting down on the weathered old porch to tie the strings of the aging pair. He rubs his face and shoots a squint up at the sky, watching it cross from a light gray to a hazy purple before he sets off on his run. The alpha is a fast runner, as would be expected, however much faster in his feral form. There has always been something that bothered him about being a wolf, however, and not just because his stark white coat was of interest from hunters and naturalists alike. He simply didn't like the way his vision greened and the land became dense and large; Julian liked to see the morning sky, like he was now, and test his human endurance against the smooth plains of the Epping.

He stops to rest his feet along the river, following the flow of the gentle waters down the rocky outcropping surrounding it. The birds above him sing their song and the river makes it's own tune as it works it's way up and down the rocks, a quiet trickling sound breaking through the silence of the woods. Some yards away Jools can spot a tuft of brown curls sitting on a tall rock in the center of the water, his hands on his knees and his head in his hands. The alpha jogs swiftly to him, pulling himself close to the rock and smiling a huge grin.

"Thought I might find you here," He greets, brushing his sweaty hair from his forehead. The brunette gasps, letting out a small hum of "hello" before patting the seat next to him. Jools brings himself up onto the rock, sitting down comfortably next to his beta. "Is there a reason you're hiding out this early in the morning?"

"Manor felt stuffy. Thought getting some air might clear my head." Marcus shrugs, peering down at the water. "Did you come to find me?"

The alpha shakes his head; there had been a genuine reason he was out this early, and not all of that reason came from simply wanting some exercise. "Actually no, I don't commonly come running after people. You're entitled to have your reservation, and I encourage it. To be completely honest, I'm looking for Winston. Nobody has seen him since yesterday morning; he's gone."

"Oh," The boy mumbles, glancing over at Julian and meeting gold with red. "He's probably alright, Win usually comes back. He's a city wolf; he likes to go to bars and cause a ruckus. Don't worry much."

"Thanks, that makes me feel better. I'm not too worried, I just thought I would be of aid and come see if he was just walking the property line or summat." The blond sighs, reaching down to run his fingertips through the river. The water feels cold on his skin, leaving a sharp sting the longer he keeps his palm in. "This rock always been your spot?"

Marcus nods his head, leaning to lay on his back and close his eyes with soft breaths. "I like to come out here to think. It's only good in the dead of the morning, otherwise, the sun is too bright and the water gets noisy. Did Brent get your message?"

"Yep. Says he has no idea what they've done; they haven't taken our territory or our food. I just can't imagine who would've if not them." He grumbles, lowering his palm to the boy's knee and causing his jeans to darken at the water growing on the fabric. "Sometimes I feel like it's you and me and everybody else is working behind our backs."

The beta brings a sigh to his lips, running his hands against his face. He can't bear the way Jools talks about how angry this dispute makes him; he's supposed to be Marcus' rock, the one who kept him grounded. Lately, it seems everything disturbs Julian and makes him uneasy, stressed. He wouldn't want to be the conveyor of bad news, but is he concealing something the brunette should know? "You know you can talk to me if there's anything on your mind. I'll listen... I'd never judge you, J."

"I know, darling," He huffs, laying down next to his servant. "I know. I'll get better, I promise. I just have some things on my mind and I don't know how to put them into words."

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