4. Bounty/Zechariah/ Jeremiah

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Bounty' POV

Runs to the store to get groceries and soup for Dakota.

Braylon hangs back to watch over her.

Raleigh -21

I have this boyfriend named jermey, college...


This is my last year at high school I wanted to spend it with Jeremiah but sadly he's not here anymore, he's in college. I then facetime hi on my free time and luckily he picks up. "Hey, brother whats up". "Good college is alright, hey I have Eli as my teacher." "yeah buddy, i miss you too, and high school...i don't know if I'll make it". "You too, ill try to help if i can.". "Well hope you have a great day and a good class". "Thank you". I end the call. And head to my class after lunch.

Jeremiah 19

Starting college is new to me, but I catch u with some friends and meet some new people. My first day at college. I go into class and the professor, oh no. "Eli, is that you". "Yes hey brother"-Eli

God help me. He's my English professor. "Welcome class,...' as he introduces himself, he starts writing on the board and smiles at me. We have three assignments to do. And he said he can tutor me as well. I mean it is convenient. I grab my bag and hug Eli "see ya brother". And leave t, my next class. I have 4 classes total. Two at night. "I then end the facetime with Zechariah and eat lunch. 

Bounty and Braylon-There Kid's LivesWhere stories live. Discover now