Chapter 3

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This one is short but here ya goooo also that's what huggles look like it's not my work and I would suggest you check out the original artist


Aiden's POV
When I got to school I quickly got to my locker and put my stuff up and headed to class when I got there I saw the teacher introducing a new student he was slightly taller then me and had pale skin and bright pink hair he wore a grey jacket and black tie and if you looked closely he had freckles I quickly hurried to my seat and when she asked him to introduce himself "HI my names huggles and I wish to become friends with all of you " my exact thoughts were (either his stupid and ignorant or he's just insane) the teacher then said "you can sit next to Aiden he was the one that was late" I swear this teacher hates me but he just smiled and walked over and whispered "man she hates you" I glared at him and looked toward the bored after that classes were so slow it could kill I had him in ALL of my classes but it turned completely south at lunch


I normally sit outside or in the library to avoid having to talk with annoying human beings and today I just so happen to pick out side which I learned later was a mistake it was fine until the normal group of bullies cornered me they said something about me "tainting" the new kid and how I shouldn't come to this school cuz I was a disgrace I finally had enough and started to stand so I could walk off but apparently the leader had a different plan he kicked me in the face HARD I spit out blood due to biting my tongue and grabbed my bag and unzipped it quickly my spirt stick floating above me my bully's backed up not knowing what it was but one just had to be stubborn and ran at me i quickly snapped my fingers and waved my hand my stick was flung at him and knocked him unconscious the others were then knock unconscious as well I put my stick up and heard a slow clapping

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