Chapter 4

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At the happy melon everything went smoother due to us knowing about each other we could use our powers to communicate and get things done faster. We did our normal schedule and soon we were headed to pick up Aiden.

Aidens POV
I looked over to where I heard the clapping. I saw the pink haired boy in all of my classes. "That was one show you just put on" I was confused why did he not freak out " if your thinking about why I didn't freak out it's because I'm a puppet I can posses anything and turn my feelings off and on"  everything clicked in that moment the reason he didn't eat or drink anything all day and the way it looked unnatural for him to blink " that makes sense" after that we became close friends I learned he didn't have a place to stay so I said he could stay at my house it he turned into a doll and didn't show himself because my brother and his friend didn't know about me at the end of the day we got picked up (huggels omg my bag) and headed home

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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