Chapter Two

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"Perseus Jackson! What is so important that you can't wait three minutes to talk! I'm explaining the directions to a project that takes up the majority of your grade!"

Percy's head snapped forward, bringing a stop to the conversation he was currently having with Annabeth. His eyes connected with the angry face of his biology teacher. "Um, I can explain," he hurriedly began to say, only to be quickly cut of by the sound of Annabeth's voice echoing throughout the otherwise silent classroom.

"Mrs. Reynolds, I can explain. Percy was simply asking me a question about the project, which he didn't understand when you explained it. So I-" She began to say, looking up at the teacher.

Mrs. Reynolds clicked her tongue at the pair, "I don't want to hear none of this nonsense from you, Miss Chase. Stay out of this." "But I was a part of it!" Annabeth replied, her tone becoming increasingly annoyed.

Underneath the pair of desks they were sitting at, Percy gently placed his hand on her thigh, attempting to calm her down. Percy whispered under his breath, "It's fine Annabeth, stay out of this. I don't want you getting in trouble." A death glare was the only response he received, from both the blonde girl sitting beside him along with his extremely pissed off biology teacher.

Annabeth stood up abruptly, knocking over the stack of books piled high on the desk next to her. Percy reached out to catch a few of the falling books as he stood up next to her. As he placed the books on the table, Mrs. Reynolds shouted, "Mr. Jackson! Miss. Chase! Sit down this very instant!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You know what, Miss Reynolds. I'm done. I was helping my friend understand the project and you flipped out on him, not even me! If you're gonna yell at a student, at least do it to the right one!" She shouted before grabbing her backpack and storming out of the classroom, slamming the door as she went.

Mrs. Reynolds stared at Percy. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.

Without thinking, he grabbed his backpack and headed for the door of the classroom. "Where do you think you're going, mister!" was the only thing he heard before the science lab door slammed behind him.

Quickly, he looked around before spotting a blonde turning the corner at the end of the hallway. Annabeth, he thought as he sprinted in her direction. As he turned the corner, he let out a shout. "Annabeth, please wait! Come on wise girl, wait up!" The figure turned around and glanced at him before stopping and waiting for him to catch up.

But for some reason, Percy didn't stop. Instead, he kept running full speed ahead, grabbing her hand as he raced by. "Percy, where are we going?" She shouted as they raced out the side doors, cutting across the freshly cut lawn and continuing towards the student parking lot.

"Away from here."

They came to stop in front of Percy's car. He shuffled his hand around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out the keys and unlocking the door. When both doors slammed shut he let out a deep breath.

"Annabeth, you didn't have to do that. I get in trouble all the time anyway." He said after a moment of silence. Out of the corner of his he saw Annabeth turn to face him. She studied his facial expression for a moment before chucking slightly and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"You do realize that you would be expelled without me, right seaweed brain?" She laughed, intertwining their hands. Even after dating for so long, Percy still felt his cheeks turn bright red.

"So, wise girl. Since school's not an option right now, do you wanna catch a movie?" He grinned over at her. A smile appeared on her face and she nodded. "But on one condition," she smirked. "I get to pick the movie."

Percy groaned jokingly before hitting the gas, sending the car speeding off in the direction of the movie theater.

Hope you liked it! :) xx

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