Monsters Daddy, Monsters

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Third Person POV

It was a terrifying night for little five year old Alexander Barakat, the nightmares about monsters had been haunting him. They were chasing him around his favorite places, the park with the stream near it, the toy store and his most favorite, his dads' room.

Alex and his dad, Jack, normally played games in his fathers room because it was one of the biggest rooms in house, so spacious and yet so perfect for them to play together in, but Alex was too scared to move from his bed and into his dads' room where his protector lies peacefully.

Eventually Alex awakens, tears covering his face and makes little sobbing sounds, hoping his father will approach with open arms to save him from the monsters.

"Daddy!" Alex screams, "Daddy, daddy save me!"

Jack rushes in panicked, not knowing what could be hurting his dearest son.

"Alexander whats wrong?" The elder asks, worried about his son.

"The-the monsters!" Alex says while his dad picks him up to put him on his lap.

"What monsters? I don't see any, baby boy." Jack asks, brushing his sons tears away with his thumbs.

"They were in m-my dream, chas-chasing me everywhere! The park, toy story and where we play!" Alex crys, saying story instead of store and cuddling into his dads' chest.

"Its going to be okay little Lex, daddy will protect you from the monsters. Daddy protects his baby boy."


"Yes Alex?"

"Can you make me hot chocowat?" The small child asks pleadingly and messing up again on his words.

"Yeah little boy we can do that, plus hot chocolate scares the monsters so they won't hurt you anymore" Jack says, picking the child up and making there way to the kitchen to get rid of the monsters.

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