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I laugh at Annie quietly, shutting off my phone and setting it down, gently turning in Max's arms to face him. It has been so long since I've seen him in person but I feel like I know him better than ever.

We would call each other at least once or twice a week, almost always more, me falling asleep talking to him sometimes and him joking always. We literally talked about everything, math, random stuff, sports, singing, life, even the best way to eat cereal.

I stare at him, show-tunes running through my head over and over. We stay like that for a while, neither of us moving much.

Finally he stirs, making an ineligible noise that sounds like a groan. Poor kid is so tired.

"Julie?" he murmurs sleepily, sounds slurring together.

"Hi there," I grin, pushing his messy hair off his forehead. His arms tighten around me and he smiles cutely. "How was your beauty sleep."

"Aww shut up," he says, his eyes still closed. "Happy Christmas." I kiss his nose, hand running through his hair.

"Where is your usual hat?" I ask.

"Suitcase." He mumbles. He still hasn't opened his eyes yet.

"Ah," I can't keep the grin out of my voice. I hum to myself as he slowly wakes himself up. His eyes opens and he grins.

"Hi there," he mimics in an American accent. I poke his cheek, laughing.

"You suck at that Max."

"Do not!" He listens to my vague humming. "Dynasty?"

"Yep." I say. "MIIA is a goddess."

"I should've known. What time is it?"

"Twelve," I say, glancing over my eyes drift to the window and I start upwards, flopping back down because of Max's arms. "Max let go, its snowing!" I squeal.

"What?!" He asks, sitting upwards with me. "No way!"

"Yes way!" I drape my arms over his shoulders.

"Can we head out?"

"Did you bring snow gear?"

"Duh!" He laughs.

"Kids!" Mom calls up.

"Yeah?!" I shout down. Max puts his hand over his ears laughing silently.

"Jeez you have pipes!" He whisper-shouts.

"Shush!" I whisper-shout back, shoving him playfully.

"Lunch!" She calls. I punch the air. I love food. Max keeps laughing at me silently and I tackle him backwards, pulling him down with me. We lie there laughing hard for a couple minutes and then I roll over, kind of sliding off the bed sideways.

I spring up, giving myself a head rush.

"C'mon!" I grab Max's hands and haul him up. He groans.





"Heck yeah,"




"Uhh..." he searches around for them and holds the black gloves up.

"You should be good," I grin at him, all bundled up like a snowman.

"What are you smirking at?!" he protests.

"You look like an eskimo," I laughed, pulling on my gloves. He looks me up and down.

"What the heck you are literally wearing a red coat and white snowpants you look huge too!"

"Gee thanks," I say, pulling my hat over my messy hair. "Come on dork lets go," I grabbed his hand and pushed open the door. We stumbled out into the cold.

"BLOODY-" I slapped a hand over Max's mouth.


"Jesus it's cold!" I laughed.

"I know now come on!" I grabbed his arm, laughing, the cold whipping my face. He stumbled through the snow as I dragged him along.

"Where are we going?" We dashed around the house and he caught sight of my trampoline.

"No way that's sweet!"

"My birthday last year right after you guys came. Come on, I cleared it off yesterday!" I climbed up through the net, snow boots slipping on the surface. He clambered in after me, catching himself with my arms. I hugged him. "Thanks for coming."

"Nothing could keep me away." He whispered into my hat.

"You cutie," I tried to tickle him but he fell over, taking me with him. "Ah crap!" Snow fell down the back of my jacket.

"Karma young one,"

"I'll be sixteen in March that's not fair!" The snowflakes were tangled in my blonde hair and some had melted on my eyelashes. My hand grabbed snow, packing it into a ball in my fist. I threw it at him.

"EMMA JULIE!" He shrieks, snow on his face. I shriek, crawling away to get more snow from the edge of the trampoline. I threw some more at him and missed, my hat falling off. "You are gonna get it now!" He threatens with that accent and a fistful of snow.

I scream, trying to scramble out of the trampoline. My foot catches and I fall over the edge, flopping into the snow with an oof. I can't help my self, I start laughing despite how much of a shock that was.

Max jumps out after me, my hat in one hand, snowball in the other.

"Hey there," he laughs at me as I pry my face out of the snow. I just have enough time to hold my hands up in surrender when he smashes the snowball over my head.

"Agh!" I gag as it mixes in with my hair. He hands me my hat, grinning.

"There you go,"

"Such the gentleman," I sarcastically joke. He laughs, pulling me up with him. I swing my arm around his shoulder and he does the same. "Love you."

"Love you cutie."

WRONG NUMBER(Book 3)JAYDEN 🍉,ANNIE 💙,MAX AND HARVEY🍵,JULIE  🏊🏼‍♀️,KATIE 😆Where stories live. Discover now