Chapter 13

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Brooke P.O.V

When we were right in front of the door I got off of Nialls back and stood behind him and next to Liam. when we stepped through the door the screams seemed to have gotten a whole lot louder than when we were outside of it. I was kind of nervous. I didn't really want to be here but they kind of made me come since they had just announced me. I was so deep into thought that Liam tapped me and asked what was wrong. I told him I was just thinking about everything that has been happening lately. He nodded and we sat down at the table that was in front of the huge crowd.

The order that we were in; Harry at the end then to the right of him was louis, Then Niall next to louis me next to Niall and to the right of me was Liam then Zayn at the other end. I was playing a game on my phone while Liam was talking to Zayn about something and Niall and Liam were talking about what they were wanting to play tomorrow at the graduation. my phone suddenly buzzed indicating I had a text message so I went and looked at it.

From: Mikey Clifford :)

Hey Brooke; me and the boys miss you :( When are we going to see you again? have you finally had a reunion with your twin Liam?

To: Mikey Clifford :)

MIKEY!!! it's been so long since we have talked. I've missed you and the boys so much :( I don't know. I hope it's soon. Maybe I can talk to my brother and see if you can fly out while I am on tour with them? if that is okay with you and the boys. and yes i am actually at a meet and greet with them; liam is looking at me like i am crazy while texting you haha skype you guys later?

From: Mikey Clifford :)

Yes talk to your brother and we would love to see you, and alright get back to the meet and greet and yes we have to show you something we've been working more on our singing and wanna perform for you if that is okay?

To: Mikey Clifford :)

Yes! i love your voice :) and when you guys all sing together it's amazing! skype later love you guys

From: Mikey Clifford :)

We love you too

"who are you texting" Niall asked me in a hushed voice

"a friend of mine that lives in Australia" i replied to him

"Oh, cool well the meet and greet is starting" he said as i put my phone away

The meet and greet went on for a while and I got a bunch of questions about being Liams twin and what it was like to hang out with the guys. There was still no sign of Scott, Amy or Kim so I don't know if they came or if they were just in the back of the line.

"Brooke, you okay?" Liam asked as I was zoned out for a little bit,

"Yeah just thinking about some things Li" I replied and he just nodded I got a text and I was really confused on who would text me so I looked at my phone

From: Hooded Calum

Brookeeeee why did you not tell me we were skyping laaterrrr i had to find out from Michael like he won't shut up about it!!! don't tell him i told you he will be mad haha

To: Hooded Calum

well hello to you too Mr. Hood

From: Hooded Calum

Haha sorry brooke heyy, what is with you calling us our last names ????

To: Hooded Calum

Liams twin sister!?!? (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now