Chapter 1

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There's a lot of rewriting going on guys. Bare with me
Y/n= your name
H/c= hair color
H/l = hair length
E/c= eye color
S/t= skin tone
F/c= favorite color
F/f= favorite food
F/f/c= favorite flavor cake

Young Lloyd= 3'11
Nia= 4'11
Older Lloyd= 5'5
Kai= 5'11
Cole= 6'0
Zane= 6'2
Reader(aka you) =6'4

Rise of the Snakes

It was cold... And dark. What's going on, why can't I see anything?! Mom... Momma... I'm scared... Please, why are you acting this way? What's wrong? Where did dad go...........

God damn it, where did the kid go... "Lloyd!? Lloyd where are you!?" I called out. Seriously? I've been looking around Jamanikai village for almost an hour now.  I left to get groceries and when I get back he's just gone. God damn it. I made it to the village square, looking around a bit I see a bunch of people laughing at something. I walked over and pushed through the crowd passing by people I've met many times before. Once I made it to the front my eyes widened. "Lloyd!" I ran over to him and picked him off the sign he was hanging on. "Lloyd, what happened? I told you to stay at the house," I said putting him down and crouched to his level. "It was just a joke! I didn't do anything!" He said crossing his arms as he looked away pouting. I stood up and looked back at all the different people. That's when I noticed a group of people who looked very different from the others. They were in ninja suites so they stuck out like a sore thumb. They each held some candy and we're laughing with each other. I looked back at Lloyd to see him glance at them, then look away and stomp his foot. I glared at them and walked over, "Hey..." There was no emotion in my voice as I towered over them, " why did you hang Lloyd up on the sign? He's just a kid, I get he can be a brat but he doesn't deserve that," I said crossing my arms. Lloyd came up behind me and hugged my leg, giving it a small hit when I called him a brat.  "You don't touch my kid," I said glaring at them, they stepped back and I picked up Lloyd and walked away.

My glare vanished as I walked away and smiled as I started to speak to Lloyd. "If you wanted candy so bad all you had to do was ask bubba-" "Y-y/n? you hate me?" I stopped when I heard Lloyd. I looked down at him and sat down at the fountain with him sitting on my leg. "What? No. Lloyd, I don't hate you. I love you you know that. I can't hate you," I was so shocked, why would he-... "Why would you ever think that Lloyd?" I asked pulling his hood down to see his face better and let him speak. "Well... you always have to come and get me out of trouble... And I never listen to you so I just thought maybe-" I stopped him, "Lloyd I don't ever want you to think that again. Got it? You may be a pain in the neck but I love you. You're my family little man. You know that." He nodded and sniffled softly, trying his best not to cry he rubbed his eyes.

He laughed and got off my leg, "Hey, y/n? Can I go on a walk up the mountain? I did it a lot before you found me. So I know my way back. Please can I go? Can I can I can I can I can I?" He asked jumping up and down. I chuckled and nodded, "Sure. Just stay outta trouble ok kid?" He nodded again and ran off towards the mountain behind the village. "Damn... There's a mess here..." I mumbled noticing all the different bits of trash and rotting vegetables they most likely threw at Lloyd. I sighed and cleaned up what I could, and walked out the gates to take it all to the trash at the bottom of the mountain. When I walked out the gates l saw the ninja just a little way down the path. I should probably apologize to them... I should've been here to watch Lloyd. "Hey," I said as I came up to them, they all looked over at me and pulled their mask off. They were all... I'm gonna be honest they're all hot as fuck. But that's beside the point, they had some scroll with them and I rose a brow. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" I asked looking at the scroll then back at them. The one wearing red glared at me and put the scroll away. "What do you want? Are you gonna yell at us again? We were just there to put an end to what you should've done if you're taking care of Lloyd and all that." He said crossing his arms. "Right. You're right... I should've been there to watch him. I just had a lot of stuff to do today... I should've taken him with me instead of leaving him at home." I said dropping the bags, "I'm sorry you had to deal with all that. Though maybe next time let him off with a slap on the wrist and send him home? He is only 8 you know, " I said with a small shrug.  "I guess we could have handled that a bit better couldn't we? I apologize, my name is Zane, why don't we help you take all the trash out as an apology?" He said. "Huh- oh, No you don't have to do that. I've done this before it's fine." I said picking up the trash again. "No Zane is right. I'm Cole, " the one in a black suit picked up one of the bags. "Let us help you, and besides, I'm sure our sensei would wanna meet the guy taking care of his nephew," he said. "Huh- wait so Lloyd's uncle Wu is your sensei?" I asked. "Yup! Come on, and don't mind Kai. He's just a hothead. " "What- I am not! Shut up, let's just help this guy and go home." Kai said crossing his arms. "Well- thanks! Sure I'll come with you," I said. "Wait but what about Lloyd?" The one in blue, whose name I have yet to learn, asked. "He'll be okay. He said he was gonna go on a walk and head home. Even though he's a bit of a brat, believe it or not, he's a good kid at heart. He won't do anything crazy," I said to them. "Uhh if you say so! I'm sure you know him better than us. Oh! And I'm Jay by the way. What's your name? You haven't said yet," he said. "Oh! I'm Y/n, sorry. Guess I kinda forgot..." I said.

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