Chapter 2

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A little something before we start I am somewhat basing this off of a roleplay that me and my friends were doing because with the addition of some new characters the story will be more interesting. Especially as the story continues. So in this chapter you will get a small sneak peak at one of the new characters :D👍


It had been a few days since I joined the ninja. Well- I didn't full-on 'join' because I'm not a ninja but I guess im somewhat a part of their little team. I'll train with them and do my part to help around the monetary but... I still have that empty feeling from before-
..... Before I came here. And I don't mean here as in the monetary. I had this feeling a long... long time ago... I walked out to the training deck and saw the ninja training. They were all doing their own thing as per-usual. I just sat and watched them. It seemed I caught Cole's eye and he walked up to me. "Hey Y/n, what are you doing just sitting here? Wanna join us?" he asked me with a hopeful smile. I got up and rubbed the back of my neck contemplating some things. "I don't know Cole. I'm just not-... up for anything today. I'm just tired." I said with a small sigh. His smile fell and he put his hand on my shoulder. "If you need anything just ask okay? I know you miss Lloyd. And I told you we'll help you get him back. " he said with a more reassuring smile this time.  "Uhh, when did I say I would help this guy?" Kai said from his spot next to a training dummy. "Wow. Kai, you're soooooo generous," I said rolling my eyes. He glared at me for a few seconds before going back to whatever he was doing before. I sighed again and was gonna say something to Cole, but he had already taken his hand off my shoulder and gone back to training.

A few minutes later Sensei walked out and it was obvious from the look on his face that he was surprised the ninja were training. " Good morning Sensei," I said from my spot on the floor. "Good morning Y/n, how was your sleep?" he asked. "Great!" I said with a smile. Truth be told I didn't sleep at all. I was practically up all night because I was worried about Lloyd, and things become... Hard to control when im emotional. Just when he was about to say something back I heard the guys yelp. Quickly looking back I saw Zane doing spinjutsu spreading ice all over the training ground, my feet froze to the floor as well. "Hey! Zane what the hell?!" I stood up but obviously couldn't move from my spot. The others walked over and Cole used his synth to break the ice around my feet. "This roof isn't big enough for the four of us." Kai sai, " Correction, this roof isn't big enough for him." Cole said, gesturing to Zane then going back to breaking my feet out of the ice."I know, it's like he's in his own world. I BET HE CAN'T EVEN HEAR US!!" Jay said, then yelled the last part. I rolled my eyes and heard the ice break. I pulled one foot out and sighed as Zane continued to train. "It's cool, I mean, everybody's different." I said shrugging," Although, I will admit that Zane is a bit... um...'' I couldn't think of what to say. "Weird," Kai answered for me. ''Yeah..." I admitted as Cole was able to free my other foot. Wu then walked over to us and I could already tell he had some deep stuff he was about to lay on us. "What is weird? Someone who is different, or someone who is different than you?" He said. It made a lot of sense, Zane wasn't super weird he was just different from us and different isn't a bad thing, not at all. Even I'm... Very different. From the others. "No Sensei, Zane's weird weird," Jay said, then all the ninja began to explain some of the weird moments they've had with Zane. Apparently, he walked into the bathroom while Cole was on the toilet, Jay said he and Nia were watching some romance movie and Zane laughed at all the sad and depressing bits, I would have too honestly... Anyway, then Kai said he went to get a late-night snack and when he opened the fridge he found Zane in it eating a sandwich. I was trying my best not to laugh, especially when Kai told his story. " HEY, DON'T LAUGH!!" Kai yelled at me. "I-I'm not lau-laughing- pfft, haha! Oh my lord, that hilarious. Okay yeah. Zane is weird but that's just brilliant.'' I said as my laughing calmed down to a small chuckle. We all looked back at Zane as he bowed to the training dummy infront of him only to get hit in the head. "We like the guy he's really smart. He's just a little off sometimes." Kai said. "Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different. I should know." Sensei Wu said walking away after that. We were all just relaxing after that little talk we had with Wu. I jumped when I heard a loud gong sound. Though the ninja just smiled and ran to the door yelling, "MAIL!!" The mailman looked really tired as he handed out the mail. Kai got a fan letter, Jay got a letter from his parents and Cole got something from his father. " What no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beasts and Beyond." The mailman looked through his bag until he found Cole's package. Cole then ran off to his dragon and that's when I saw that Zane didn't get any mail. "Hey Zane why don't you ever hear anything from your parents?" I heard Jay ask him. Zane looked at Jay and said," I do not remember my parents. I have been an orphan all my life." Kai and Jay looked at each other with sad confused looks. " You mean you've never had a home?" Kai asked as Zane looked down and shook his head. "His home is here with you guys. Don't worry Zane," I said patting his back. "Your family is right here. I know how it is to be alone... But once you find the right people you're not alone anymore." he smiled at me and I walked out the big doors to head down to see Cole in the dragon's den. They didn't like me much, for reasons I would rather not say, but they've never done anything to me physically. Just the occasional glare and growling at me.

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