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I knocked on the door to Levi's office,

"Name and Business." Levi's monotone voice came through the door.

"It's Quinn, Sir. You needed to see me?" As soon as I finished my sentence Commander Erwin opened the door. "Commander!" I saluted automatically, moving my eyes to Levi who was sitting at his desk.

"Please, come in Aaltonen." Erwin stepped back, letting me in, then shutting the door behind me. I looked out the window to movement, why were members of the Scouting Regiment standing around Levi's office like that? If I didn't know any better they were guarding it. Erwin then made his way to the windows closing the curtains. My chest constricted, what was going on? Were they mad about cadets knowing about my age? Was it something else much more serious?

"Sit down kiddo." At Levi's order I complied, thoughts rushing through my mind, what was going on now? Without another word Levi placed a piece of paper on his desk, sliding it towards me. Was he offering me another deal of some sort? If he was, why was Erwin here, was it that serious? "Someone in the scouts found these plastered all over town." I reached forward, taking the paper into my hands to see, a drawing of my face, the only off thing about was the long braid it depicted me with. I read the top of the paper, Wanted: Quinn Belle Aaltonen, Age:15 Last known Height: 159 cm Presumably joined the Scouting Regiment or Military Police, Reward: Name your price, Wanted ALIVE. If found Contact the below address. I looked up at Levi in shock, my heart racing, vomit ready to race into my mouth. I stood swiftly about to bolt for the door when Levi forced my head into a waste basket. I lost my lunch, I coughed, the sound of my coughing echoed by the basket.

"Sorry Captain." My apology echoed as the realization hit me that he was holding my hair back.

"Just don't make a mess kid. Done?"

"Yes sir." I pulled my face out of the basket, Levi handed me a handkerchief, I took it as he began to tie back my hair.

"The address listed is within the Trost District." Erwin stepped forward taking the paper into his hands as he spoke, we'll find who put these up, rest assured."

"The rest of the Squad is out taking down all those posters and asking around." Levi added onto Erwin's comment, moving the bucket aside, his hands gloved as he did so.

"What do we do, Captain?"

"We think the best strategy is to lure them out," Erwin watched me closely, "using you as bait."

"We already have an idea of who it may be, but we need proof." Levi stepped forward with a glass of water.

"Thank you Captain."


"They're picking up the posters we made." Lily peered out of the window, her eyes scanning the scouts that were questioning every passerby.

"Yup." Logan grunted a bit as he leaned forward to lace up his boots. "Stick to the plan, and remember lay low." Logan stood from his seat, walking over to the old woman at the door who was holding two bags. "Thank you, Sam." Logan leaned over kissing her on the cheek.

"Your mother would be proud of both of you, it makes me happy to see you two up here. Enjoying the sun?"

"Yes, very much so." Lily smiled widely. "The sky is so much bigger than I ever could've imagined!"

"Yes it is, thank you two for giving me the gift to see it every day." At this the old woman began to tear up. Lily came close, hugging the woman as tightly as she dared,

"And thank you for repaying the favor. We'll be up here permanently soon enough. How are your legs?"

"Much better, Thank you." Lily and Logan grabbed their bags from the woman.

"Thanks for everything ma'am." Lily smiled as Logan walked out, his sister Lily following close behind him. Once out on the street, away from the old woman Logan spoke up.

"Now that the posters are up Aidan's sure to see them, he might get reckless and we'll have a chance to catch him and make sure he doesn't hurt Quinn."

"But why would he hurt her if he can just collect the reward?"

"Think about it Lily, Quinn's brother financially supports the people who tax the stairwell, you know how he is about that."

"I like Quinn, she's nice." Lily paused, "She's pretty too." Logan glared at her at her statement. "Don't pretend like you didn't notice, I see the way you look at her."

" The only reason I look at her is to watch her habits, that way we have a more effective plan of attack when it's time."

"Sure. We'll go with that for now. But I'm calling it."

"Oh please, and what happens when you lose?"

"Loser has to talk crap about the Captain in his presence."


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