Can't lie to Captain's eyes

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The MP walked away from the cell he was guarding, a sack of coins wedged under his jacket.

"Who the hell are you?" Cecile glared through the bars at the cloaked figure.

"Your chance for revenge." The low voice echoed from the walls around them.

"What? With one of my brother's legs missing and my hand-!?" Claire held up her stump, glaring at the man in front of her, "We already let her take too much from us. All over some stupid grudge." With those words, Claire looked over her shoulder to the cell across from her at her brother, his brows pulled together in anger.

"She deserves every single ounce of pain! Cecile yelled back at his sister, both of his hands now gripping onto the bars of his cell.

"You and your pride got us in these cells!" Claire looked back up at the man from her kneeling position on the floor, "If we help you with whatever you're doing, will you get us out of here?!"


"Then I'm with you as long as I never have to see him again!" Claire leaned around the man, glaring at her brother.

"What about you Cecile?" Cecile looked up at the man as he approached his cell, "Are you willing to take revenge?"

"What do you get out of this?" Cecile questioned the man, his eyes locked on to the man who knelt before him. At his question, the man pulled the fabric down, revealing his face.

"You could say," the man paused, his tone dry as he continued, his eyes going cold, "it's personal." A shiver went down Cecile's spine.


   I pulled on my boots, today was the day that I met Logan, he had decided that the meeting should be outside of the training grounds after sunset, I thought that meeting at night was suspicious and odd. I had been at war with myself all night about whether or not to tell Levi, part of me knew that I should but another part of me wanted to do this myself, I wanted to show Levi that I wasn't a baby and that I could take care of myself. I stopped brushing my hair, meeting my eyes with my reflection in the small mirror in front of me. There was no way I could keep this from him.

"It's foolish isn't it?" I blinked at myself, realizing that I had to tell Levi what was going on, with that thought I made my way out of my quarters to Levi's office. My stomach turned as I knocked on the door, how mad would he be, how many more laps would he make me run?! I stood silently waiting for him to acknowledge me, crickets chirped outside, the sun had yet to come up, but Levi was always awake at this time. I walked over to the window seeing only the dark interior of the room.

"Quinn." I turned around at the Commander's voice, saluting,

"Yes, sir." I met eyes with Erwin, bundles of paper held under one arm.

"If you're looking for Levi, he's in a meeting at the moment, is there perhaps something that I can help you with?" Commander Erwin smiled, making me feel at ease.

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