Chapter 1 - introductions

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(Y/n) POV

I got home after school and went upstairs and tossed my stuff onto my bed and took off my normal clothes and put on my Ben 10 5years later cosplay and went down stairs.

I was about to watch Ben 10 but steven universe was on and it was the episode where jasper and peridot first appear 'why the hell not' I thought as I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone and wallet Incase I wanted to order pizza later on.

At the middle of the episode the T.V started to glitch and a large blue light erupted into the room "young (l/n) it is important that you come with me now" a familiar British voice said once the light faded I opened my eyes and saw professor paradox of all people "what the hell" I say as I stand up from the couch and look at him "I know this seems strange but you must trust me (y/n)" he said as he held out his hand which I immediately took "let's do it" i say as we get surrounded in a blue light and I close my eyes.

Once I opened my eyes I saw that I had the omnitrix from the 5years later comic, I looked around and my friend Austin was wearing Danny Fenton's clothes and my friend Te'lun was wearing generator Rex's clothes all of us where lying in the sand next to a town of some kind and a green giant hand was next to the beach and so where the gems, knocked out and what looks like Steven with longer hair was unconscious.

We all looked at each other and knew we had to do something "dude, why are you guys cartoon characters" Austin asked before he transformed into his own form of Danny phantom "you where saying" Te'lun said pulling to goggles on his head down and running forward as Austin flew beside him.

I activated my omnitrix running along side of them "guys" I say as we stop infront of jasper who looks at us "it's hero time" I say slamming down on my omnitrix transforming "heatblast" I shout getting ready for a fight as Te'lun makes his big fists and Austin prepares a ecto blast.

jasper jumps at us, me and Austin dodge while Te'lun try's to stop her with his fists but because he has no clue what he's doing his build breaks and he gets knocked out, next Austin rushed her and got smacked down as he doesn't know how to go intangible yet, he detransforms.

Finally I shoot some fireballs at her but she just runs through them and knocks me out as well, when I wake up I'm human again and in a cell by myself but across the way is a female Steven.

She wakes up and looks around once she sees me she pushes her way through the projection field as do I, Austin and Te'lun exiting from the cells next to me, she looks at us "who are you guys" she asked as we begin to walk soon finding ruby and setting her free "we're idiots who tried to help and if we had any control of our powers probably could've but we just got them and suck balls at using them" I whispered as we snuck towards sapphire and got her out as well her and ruby refused into garnet.

Nora as I learned her name from ruby gasped as garnet refused "what garnet is a fusion" she says with stars in her eyes I look around seeing my friends go down a corridor I sneak off after them "guys what are you doing garnet is about to fight jasper" I ask as we walk to a different part of the ship and Austin goes ghost and Te'lun pulls his goggles down "we can't interrupt this part of the timeline" Te'lun says turning towards me "I know but things are already different, Steven is a girl" I say looking at them "yeah but still, transform into cannonbolt so that you can survive the fall" Austin says as we go towards earth for a crash landing I activate my omnitrix and transform "cannonbolt" I shout right before we crash Austin phases through the rubble and Te'lun build's some shields for himself as I curl up for protection.

After a few minutes I push the rubble off of me and I detransform Austin lands next to me heaving in human form and Te'lun climbs out of the rubble, we make our way towards the main part of the beach and watch as macholite drags herself into the ocean Nora see's us soon after and runs toward us "hey where did you guys go after garnet refused " she asked us as the gems stand next to her "team meeting on telling random people that we have powers" Austin says as Te'lun smakes him upside the head "ow my dude why" he asked as Te'lun just points at the gems and Austin looks at them "oohhh, yeah forgot about that" he says before rubbing the back of his head.

Pearl and garnet look at each other skeptically then back at us as amethyst walks toward us "you guys have power, cool can you do this" she says turning into a lion and I smirk "no, but can you do this" I ask as I activated my omnitrix and transform "fourarms" I shout as I stand before them and then realized what I did "wait, you tricked me into using my powers that's cheating" I say pointing at her and tapping my omnitrix symbol and detransforming they both just shake their heads "dude, I get it we have powers and want to do awesome stuff but that is one of the oldest tricks in the book" Te'lun says as he starts to walk away and Austin follows him.

"guys where are you going" I ask as they continue to walk "we failed you know what that means the one rule we where given was to keep our identities a secret" he said but I wanted to stay so I thought of something "he said from humanity" I said Te'lun looked confused "yeah and" he asked before I pointed to the gems "they aren't human and she's only half human"

I saw before turning to face my friends "come on guys we still have followed the rules somewhat but since people are starting to return I suggest we suit up" I say activating the omnitrix as Te'lun shakes his head and pulls down his goggles before covering himself in an armor like build and Austin looks at us "going ghost" he says as a small white light covers him his hair turning white and his clothes turning into his hazmat suit as I activate my suit a green light slowly creeping up my arm before disappearing as I stood there in my costume.

The town people walk in just then and Greg universe runs to his daughter "Nora" he shouts as he hugs her and she hugs him back "dad" she says as everyone comes up and once he puts Nora down he see's us and I wave and the mayor steps forward "who are you three" he asks I step forward "we are the providence " I say as the mayor does a double take "you're here to do what exactly " he asked as he scratched his head and I chuckled "no, I meant the government organization for anything strange from nanite's overriding your dna and turning you into a monster, the ghost zone having ghost's invade and finally my department aliens" I said gesturing to the gems.

Chapter End

Male reader omnitrix bearer x female Steven universe Where stories live. Discover now