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I ended up late to calculus. As Edna from The Incredibles would say, "I was working in a creative fever!" or something like that. Sort of like how Ms. Hathaway I guess, but without the throwing of school property. Anyway, the finishing changes I made to my costume made me more than eager to start the actual piece. I might just have to start tonight.

With all of my classes finished, I was especially glad to leave school early. Seniors who only need less than four classes to graduate are offered the option to have half-day at the end of junior year, to which I only needed three: Art/design, AP Calculus, and Brit Lit. This is also particularly the reason why I decided - last minute - to go to Magic Lake. My dad won't be home till later and I have spare time to kill before I have to cook dinner.

I'd usually make my way to Magic Lake later in the afternoon so I could watch the sun set behind the mountains, but I was feeling rather nostalgic. Ever since the night on my porch with Colton, all the memories that he was in made their way to the forefront of my brain, and started playing like a movie. The kind of movie you've watched a thousand times, but still enjoy it like you're watching it for the first time.

Walking down my porch steps and onto the pathway, I embrace the soothing warm sensation radiating from the sun. I watch as the flowers and trees sway slightly from the gentle breeze. As I near the bottom of the pathway, I hear my name being called. I look to the source of the voice and offered a smile at Colton. He walks around the wall dividing our houses and up to where I was standing on my driveway.

"Do you have a minute?" He asks, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets. I give him a 'sure' before awaiting his question. He shuffles uneasily for moment, not making eye contact with me. At this, my eyebrows knit together in concern, but relaxes when he says, "I wanted to thank you...you know, for the other night." My head cocks to the side as my nose scrunches up in confusion. He smiles at this and shakes his head. "You really haven't changed a bit have you?"

This time, I smile and shake my head, realizing what he was getting at. According to him, I would make a weird face every time I'd be confused or thinking deeply about something. I didn't notice I still did that until he mentioned it just now.

"You're the one who hasn't changed," I laugh, pointing out the way he still makes fun of me. We end up laughing together for a moment until we're both silent. I pondered on what I was going to say next, to save an awkward moment from happening, but nothing comes to mind. For a moment, this disappoints me. When we were close, we knew exactly what to say to each other and when to say it. Now? Now it's different. It's an unsettling feeling really.

Thanks to Colton and his unusually good timing, he speaks up before anything could get awkward. "Were you going somewhere?"

I open my mouth, about to come up with a lie, but it occurs to me that it's Colton. He knows about Magic Lake. "Yeah...I'm actually headed to Magic Lake." He looks at me, a blank expression on his face. For a moment, I think he forgot about it. Forgot all about the place where we've spent the most of our childhood.

His eyebrows rise and his expression changes to one of surprise and realization. I let out a breath of relief. "Wow. I can't believe I almost forgot about that place...it's been a while." He looks away for a moment, his eyes drifting up towards the sky as he lets out a light laugh and shakes his head. A small smile tugs at the side of my lips as I wonder what memories might be arising in his mind from the lake. I have my favorites as I'm sure he has his as well.

"You can come if you want." I offer. I honestly wouldn't mind the company, and I think this would be fun. Two old friends catching up and going to the place that holds our deepest and most cherished memories.

His eyes lock on mine and he gives me a soft smile that meets his eyes. "Sure."

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