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I was five minutes in to my Target shopping spree and my cart was already half way full with useless things.

I had gotten up early to get decorations for my office and some new work clothes. Did I have the money for this ? Probably not. Was I still going to buy it all? Yes, yes I was.

After about two hours, my shopping was complete and I was feeling a need for coffee. There was a cafe that I passed on the way to Target that looked super cute. I stood on the sidewalk and flagged down a cab. 

"Can I get a...large white chocolate mocha with four shots of espresso?" I ordered my coffee and sat at a table near the window.

That's when the hottest man, I have ever seen entered the cafe. He has caramel brown hair and ocean blue eyes. His suit was grey and was tailored perfectly to his shape.

I guess I had been staring too long and he looked my way. We exchanged awkward eye contact and I quickly looked away.

"Mazikeen?" My coffee was ready. I walked past the mysterious man on the way to the counter. He had been nose deep into his phone to even notice.

I left the cafe and started walking down Mayberry street. The store fronts were all decorated beautifully, making me want to go in every single store.

It had reached about noon and I decided to take a break from my sight seeing and head to the firm. I had to get my office ready before my first day came.

I decided to go with a modern wooden theme. I bought wood accessories such as picture frames, pencil holders, etc..

While I was putting a succulent in a pot, I saw the mysterious man from the cafe walk buy. He was walking very fast and two people were following him, well trying to at least. In the midst of staring, I knocked over the pot, getting dirt all over my carpet.

I quickly tried to scoop it all up when I heard footsteps approaching.

"Seems like you have a bit of a mess on your hands." The voice was deep and full of arrogance. I looked up to see the mystery man looking down on me.

"And who might you be?" I set the pot on the desk and leaned against the front of it.

"Alfonso Ramirez." I quickly fixed my posture. This was my BOSS.

"Oh, it's uhh nice to meet you, sir."

"Mazikeen isn't it ?" He walked around my desk and sat in my chair, fidgeting with things on the desktop.

"Yes sir, I just got a job here as a paralegal."

A captivating smile came across his face as he stood up.

"I look forward to working with you, Ms.Mazikeen."

Alfonso walked out of the room and I let out a deep breath.

Working with him was going to be a roller coaster. The one thing I was not going to do was fall for him. What a cliche relationship to have. I hadn't dated anyone before anyways, my parents made sure of that. Why am I even thinking about this ?

My thoughts were interrupted as my cell phone began to ring.

"Hello" I answered.

"Why hello darling."

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