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When I was in high school, my family had to move from central Texas back to West Texas for my dad's job. We were under a lot of stress and other family issues at the time as well, but that is besides the point. My sister and my mom were painting the upstairs walls as we got the house to get ready. My mom was on the wall to the far right, there was a blank wall in the middle, and my sister was on the far left. I was downstairs packing up things into boxes. Anyway, suddenly, my sister comes downstairs (she is older than me) looking scared out of her mind. She asks me to come upstairs. On the wall in between them, for no apparent reason, this 'writing' appeared. Looking closely enough, you can see it was not written by accident, but rather by broad strokes made by a human hand. Problem is, the handprint is too big for any of us three to make it. The longer we stayed in the room, the more freaked out we got as we realized that nobody was playing a prank on anyone else. I still have no explanation to this day of what it means.

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