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"Dude," I said and a small laugh escaped my lips. I closed my eyes and threw my head back.
Yoongi and Jimin are making out in the middle of the living room slowly dancing to underground music. They don't care aftet consuming. Neither do I.

"Ahh..." says Hoseok after his second line. "This is life changing."

I live for this. For all the powder, pills and weed. I could literally do anything right now and no one could be able to stop me.

My phone beeps and I pick it up, staring down at the screen. Fuck. Why would he text me at 3 am? I barely got him out of my head.


Come over

No, It's 3 am and I'm high

You think I care?  Now!

„Fuck." I whispered and put the phone back in my pocket.

„Who was that?" asked Hoseok while rolling a cigarette.

"I gotta go now," I said standing up and picking up my car keys. "Guess he's got work for me."

"I thought you're off today." shouted Yoongi and sat down on the couch with Jimin on his laps.

I left the apartment without saying anything. They know what's going on. We knew each other for almost forever and there's no way to not notice Taehyungs influence on my behavior. Man he fucks me up.

It started when me and my best friends decided to move out to LA after graduating from high school. I was so happy and carefree. I remember us doing drugs for the first time. Man I'd die to experience that night one more time. After some time we decided to try something heavier. Of course we wanted some quality stuff so we started to look for someone more serious and that's how we found out about Kim Taehyung. Even thought he is one of the richest and most known drug dealers in State California it was easy to contact him.

I opened my car door smiling and got in. I didn't ask for this shit to be honest but I'd never leave all of this behind me.
I pushed down the pedal and moved on.

Something inside me changed when I saw him for the first time. He became my role model and thanks to him I'm a different person now. Who would think that I'd get addicted and love drugs so much so I'll work for a dealer and live my life like I'd die every night.

Arriving at his house I parked and got out of the car. I own his house keys so no need to knock on the door.

"Guess you missed me, huh?" I asked sarcastically entering his house. God he looks so good. I could stare at him all day. At his tattoos and skin. His body. And I will never get that. Isn't it crazy?

"You are not funny, Jeon." he answered in a monotone. Damn I love his voice too.

"Naaah, I am," I laughed and sat down in front of him. "Why did you call me. I'm fucking high and horny right now what do expect from me?"

"There is a special deal in an hour, Jeon, you better don't play with me right now." he stops just to get a a sip of whiskey and then continues. "You'll meet them under the bridge as usual but..."

"But?" I don't understand why is he worried?

"Brothers Kim."

Now I get it. They are the biggest criminals not only in California but in the western USA. They even were charged with a murder once last year but somehow slipped away from it.

„K, so what?" I leaned back in a chair. "Are you worried cause you care of me or what?"

"I absolutely don't give a shit about you, Jeon." he says and stands up. Of course he doesn't.

"Wait here." and he walks through the living room then disappears through the upstairs.

"Duuude," I said and started to hit my forehead  on the table in front of me. I fucking hate him. Why does he have to be like this? Why does he have to leave me with nothing but a broken heart? I bet he doesn't even know what am I going through every time I see him. That's about how many fucks he would give if I'd get murdered someday. None. I fucking hate this. I fucking hate having feelings.

After awhile he turns back with a black suitcase and I stand up.

"This is a serious dea..."
"I'd never let you down Taehyung," I interrupted. "I'll do it whatever the fuck it takes."

Honestly. I'd die for him.

"Keep your gun loaded," he said and gave me the suitcase. " and don't fuck it up, Jungkook, neither way I'll fuck you up."

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