Chapter 2

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Thoughts raced quickly through Jaelyn's head as she locked eyes with the lone coyote. She could have sworn that she heard a whole group of them. So why was there now just one, she questioned.  

Well, all of them could have heard me coming and decided to run off, this one may be just wanted to stay behind, or my mind was only tricking me into thinking there was more than one with all the noise, she thought. Then something clicked in her mind, Jaelyn realized that she had not been eaten alive yet. She noted that the coyote must have not seen her as a threat. 

Gathering up every single ounce of wonder and determination that she had left in her body, Jaelyn took a step closer towards the strong creature. The coyote only took another closer step towards her as well, sniffing the air whilst wondering who this young girl was that was upon the border of its territory. Jaelyn and the animal kept eyes on each other for mere seconds, both beings hardly moving a muscle. Jaelyn slightly flinched out of surprise as the coyote suddenly moved at an immediate speed. He suddenly turned around and ran off deeper into the woods. The interested girl walked towards the path that the coyote ran off in. She wasn't trying to actually follow the coyote, but she wanted to see where taking the same path as he would lead her.       

And that's what she did. She climbed over fallen tree limbs, walked her way through bushes, and watched what may lurk in the towering trees above her. She wanted to climb a tree and see what else may be revealed to her from a higher distance, however, it was too dark for her to climb safely. Jaelyn soon came upon a small stream flowing through the forest. She stopped next to it and knelt down. Sticking her hand into the water, she felt the cool and relaxing liquid flow around her hand and between her fingers. She brought her hand out of the water to touch a  pretty, pink flower. 

It's so pretty, she thought to herself.  Jaelyn had agreed with herself that she had never seen anything more beautiful than these small flowers grouped next to the small stream. The reflection of the bright moon had shown itself in the water. Looking up, she stood to closely study the moon. The moon had always been a great wonder to her, wondering what could possibly be up there, or who could possibly be up there. Jaelyn decided to walk alongside the stream, wanting to see how far it would take her. She didn't know what it was but she felt this different feeling inside of her that told her to follow the direction of where the stream would soon take her. There was something about water that Jaelyn loved. She had always wanted to go swimming in the pool to learn how to swim. But that's another thing she has never gotten to do yet. She almost wanted to just jump into the stream right then and there. Water was one of her favorite things about nature. Jaelyn thought that this was probably the most beautiful place that she had ever been in, and she knew that she could possibly make it her home. The thing is, with Jaelyn and nature, the two are a perfect match. She had believed that she always felt safe when engulfed in the forest-world around her. The forest was her home and the animals were her protectors, well, at least that's how Jaelyn always liked looking at things in her personal life. 

Jaelyn was focusing on the glow of the moon when something had caused her eyes to uncontrollably look in another direction. Looking down, she had thought she saw a strange reflection in the water. When looking back up, she slightly jumped back a little. She saw that same coyote again in the distance facing her. He trodded towards her and stopped. Jaelyn could see the look in his eyes.  

He wants me to follow him, she thought. The coyote turned back around and left her again for her to follow. Without hesitation, Jaelyn began to jog forward to catch up with the coyote. Faster and faster she began to run. She found the coyote again standing on another fallen tree limb, waiting for her to catch up. Jaelyn stopped right in front of him without any realization that she was just following around a wild creature that could still turn on her at any second. 

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