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jack was running late, as always. he ran inside his school, just as the bell rang. soon enough, he had arrived to his classroom.

"good morning, students." the teacher spoke up as he sat down. "i wanted to inform you, that i made something. i made anonymous message bags. each student has a bag, with their name on it. in those bags you can leave whatever message you want. you can check it everyday you want. i hope we can have fun doing this activity. so now, on to the actual class."

the boy didn't really listen to the class, he didn't have amazing grades, and he didn't really care about school. later, the bell rang, telling everyone that first period was over.

jack picked his stuff up, and got out of the classroom, to meet up with his friends, jonah and zach.

"dude, that anonymous message thing is weird, but it can be fun if we want it to be." zach said, a smirk on his face.

"don't even think about it, zach." jonah rolled his eyes.

"what? it could be fun to joke around!" he added, making the two other roll their eyes.

"i'm honestly kind of scared. what if some crazy girl starts harassing me or some shit?" jack finally spoke up.

"then you tell her you don't like vagina." the youngest said.

"it's anonymous for a reason, zach. i won't know who she is." the curly headed boy said in an obvious tone.


"why are you so dumb?" jonah said, leaning against a locker.

"i don't know." zach shrugged.

then a certain blue eyed boy came to open his locker, which was the one jonah was leaning in.

"um, excuse me, jonah. that's my locker."

"oh, sorry."

daniel then opened it and took everything he needed. he looked at jack, sending him a small smile before leaving again.

"he's cute." jonah mumbled.

"i guess." jack said.

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