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as always, avery didn't pay attention to class.

instead, he was too busy writing a letter. a letter he was hoping he could put in the anonymous message bags.

just as he finished, the bell rang. everyone left the classroom, leaving him alone.

he approached the bags, looking for the name he wanted to put the letter in. he finally found it, seeing it was right next to his.

he curiously looked inside of his bag, seeing there was already a note there.

at first, he hesitated, but finally, he took it. he opened it to see only one sentence nicely written.

you're cute, we should hang out sometime.

he read it over and over again, hoping it was from the person he wanted it to be. but it was impossible. he didn't like boys, so why would he send him that? plus they had already hung out in the past. in fact, they hanged out almost every single day.

but he remembered how he said they could mess around with the bags. he got scared. he didn't want to think his crush was playing him, but sadly, it couldn't leave his mind.

he decided to just leave the classroom. he didn't leave the letter, he just left.

as always, he found jonah and zach.

"what's wrong, jack?" jonah said, worrying about him as soon as he saw his face.

"i'm fine." he mumbled, making jonah and zach very confused about how he was acting.

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