Daffodils and Dandelions

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Daffodils and Dandelions

The fields are soft, the grass is green;

The sparkling dew gives it a spring.

I run in the waves, the sun shining bright,

As I look at the daffodils,

Oh, what a sight!

All the spring flowers in colorful bloom,

It shows that spring showers will be coming soon!

I pick up a dandelion, with its fluffy plume,

And make a wish quick, the wind blows it out soon.

I watch the small seedlings fly though the air,

They’ll soar to the sky and meet angels up there!

Then they’ll fall down at a snail’s slow pace,

Which will touch first?

Oh, what a race!

The fields are soft, full of sparkling dew;

Today is beautiful, and I spent it with you!

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