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"How was school, kiddo?" asked your uncle Eddie who was on his computer while sitting at the dinner tater. One hand was gliding through the keyboard and the other was stuffed in a bag of warm tater tots. You could smell it from the doorway.

"Same old thing," you shrugged and walked inside, taking the time to take off your shoes.

"What do you mean, Same old thing? You just started yesterday," Eddie complained while you claimed a seat at the table. Luckily, he was starting to make more money to be able to cover the bills and actually buy food that wasn't all saturated fat and calories. So on the occasion you'd actually eat a full meal and not just small snacks throughout the day, there would be something to ease your nerves about feeling like it would make you gain weight easily.

"Yes, well, it's the exact same thing we went through as yesterday," you replied with a sigh. The backpack was on the floor next to your chair and you started to heat up the leftover Chinese food from the night before. You hadn't eaten in the morning, and you didn't think it was necessary for Eddie to know you'd been low-key skipping meals or else he might make you eat more than you'd like to.

"What's your schedule again?" He took a bite from a tater tot.

"Uhh.." You closed your eyes shut and began to recite the classes. "Medical biology... Art... Health... PE... English and math." The ding from the microwave signaled you to take it out and take your well earned seat on the table.

"Cool thing you got to choose your biology and art class. Gotta say though, medical biology though? Interesting pick," he said. His eyes scanned the text of an informative article you had no idea what was about.

"Yeah, well, if you're gonna get hurt all the time I might as well know what I'm doing," you said and took a stab at your orange chicken with your fork. You didn't have to say anymore for Eddie to know you were referencing the bruises and scars and so forth.

"We did get to learn how to suture-or for a non-intellectual such as yourself and not including Venom, sewing someone's injuries. Though I doubt we'll touch on that again."

"Um, ouch, but why's that?" he inquired curiously.

"Cuz the teacher's a beanhead," you answered. You knew better than to cuss, especially around your uncle. You'd probably start to soon though, since you're a teenager and all. But you didn't want him to feel threatened if you began using more colorful language. At the same time, you're sure that he has much bigger problems.

"You said that about the social worker too, you know."

"That's because he thought you were a pedo or something. Made me waste my breath too much."

Eddie chuckled. He could recall when there was a checkup and the social worker, some dude in a fancy suit, slicked back hair but with a very obnoxious face had pulled you aside to ask about him and how you were coping. Eddie had never seen you been mad, or happy, or a lot of things, but fuck if irritation wasn't written all over you. He was almost worried you (and potentially the very offended Venom, who instead decided to place a bet) were gonna actually beat him up right then and there.

Unfortunately, it didn't happen. Fortunately, Venom owed him five bucks.

"Hm. Just don't go around calling your teachers weird obscure insults and we won't have a problem," Eddie advised with a cautious nod. He caught the slight uncertain glance of yours that meant can't promise anything but carried on with his online research.

If he was correct, he would be able to catch the leaded of the organization that was literally kidnapping people and using them as human lab rats and selling the ones they didn't want. From a guy he learned (before promptly biting his head off) that worked for him, they had an 'appointment' to pick up a group of girls dangerously close to his residence and meet with the head boss that was only refered to as Mr. H. Eddie had no idea what the H stood for. No one had given a surname so far.

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