Chapter 1

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It's been six months since the two of you shared your fist "I love you" and ever since then you two were inseparable. Was it his unique character which made you fall for him? When you two were casually walking he suddenly starts making weird noises, saying he was imitating an animal you haven't heard of before. The boy you had fallen for was so childish but in needed moments so mature. An example would be the time when your dog died and he didn't leave your bed with you for three days.
Or was it his unique face, that face which would be recognized by everyone out of 100. His smile which showed off his beautiful teeth. Everything about him was perfect and time by time you had to flinch yourself to realize this isn't a dream, and it was reality.

Months passed and you were still happy but something seemed fishy. He wouldn't smile as often anymore, he would have dark circles under his eyes and you wondered why he had them. The way he said your name felt different, it didn't have the melody it used to have, the melody you loved. You didn't bother to ask and decided to keep on going. The little presents you you got him were left in the corner, unappreciated. It was your 6 months anniversary and he came to your apartment. You went in for a hug and as soon as you clenched your arms around his neck your world started to shatter. His scent. He didn't smell the same, he smelled like a girl. Why did he smell like a girl? You decided to ignore it and keep on celebrating your 6 months anniversary.
However, the distance kept on growing.

It started with him coming too late to each of your dates, then him not coming anymore at all. You decided to visit him by surprise and have an evening on which you could talk about everything freely. You stood in front of his door and heard his laugh, how beautiful. You hadn't heard that for quite a while. Then a female laugh and then complete silence. Your mind didn't work so your feet had too. Walking home you didn't realize that your cheeks were drained in tears and your heart was broken.

2 days, 48! hours later he finally remembered he had a girlfriend. He knocked at your door. You didn't open it at first, cause you didn't want to see him. Never in a billion years was there a way you could accept him moving on, leaving you. You wanted to keep that thought away, he promised to stay by your side forever, he simply couldn't leave.
Somehow he found a way the enter your apartment anyway. Through your window probably, however he was suddenly standing in front of your bed crawling next to you..

"Babe, what's wrong?", he mumbled into your ear. You kept on being silent, your head in the deepest depths of your pillow. He chuckled lightly, stroking he hair off your face. Did he not consider the fact that you might of caught his cheating at all? He started kissing your neck and put his arms around your waist.

"Get off me.", you mumbled trying to push him away. With a bit more of his power used, Jory managed to lift you up, both of you facing each other now.

"Are you alright?", he asked pecking your lips.

"I can ask you the same thing."

"What do you mean? I'm fine, just missed you."

"You're not smiling anymore when you're with me, I get the vibe that you're annoyed and you don't wanna be with me anymore.", you starred into his eyes, desperately looking for any sign of love.

"What the hell are talking about babe you can't be serious."

I am." , your voice got weaker since you noticed you couldn't recognize him anymore.

"I love you."

Authors Note:

I decided to stop here, it would've been longer but I'm too lazy so. Sorry for that💜

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