Chapter 2

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"I love you more.", you admitted trying to ignore the pain which was destroying you slowly.

He kissed you and the next morning you anticipated waking up in his arms, but he was gone. Was he at her place now? You started imaging what she looked like. Did she have long straight hair and a Barbie doll waist? Did she have skinny legs and sun kissed skin? Did she have everything you didn't? Whatever she might of looked like, she was better than you because she made Jory happier.

Your first encounter with your boyfriends lover was at the mall. You were out to buy some cake and candles- Jory's birthday was soon. You stood in front of the many cakes struggling to find the cake Jory would like the most. Chocolate?  Vanilla? Strawberry? Red Velvet? Ice cream? Overwhelmed you looked for the present when you suddenly heard a familiar feminine laugh. Slowly you turned around to see her- a living Barbie doll. Hand in hand she passed you  with your boyfriend, him showing off his beautiful smile. Your mouth dropped and for a few seconds, which felt like hours you stood there, watching them talk, giggle, and kiss. You had broken your two arms and one leg already but that heartbreak pain was not comparable at any point. With a dizzy feeling you grabbed the chocolate cake to keep it classic.

He wouldn't be able to stay the night, he said, he had to go meet his family, he also said. Knowing that he was lying was like a knock out of your heart. Now and then you thought about letting go, but you couldn't. Even though he moved on, you wouldn't let him.
"Your birthday boy had arrived!" Jory smiles and put you into his embrace. You hugged him back, tighter as usual knowing you wouldn't be able to do that in the future. The cake you bought pleased his tongue, as he said, and as always you had succeeded in sweetening his day. His cheesy compliment made you giggle. But you couldn't giggle like his Barbie. Tried hard, still failed.

"You're so silent these days, I'm worried about you.", he said after you two decided to cuddle on the sofa. You laid against his chest, his legs wrapped around you and your lips just inches apart.

"I'm fine. Let's not talk about me, it's your birthday."

"Speaking of birthday, I know this sounds greedy but have you prepared a present?", his chest was bumping bit, he was probably giggling.


"So, what is it?", Jory raised his eyebrows, looking funny.

You sat up looking straight into his eyes. One last kiss, you thought. So you gave him the last kiss. It was passionate and at first he seemed to misunderstand since his hand were tugging at your shirt.

"I like that present." He mumbled into your ear, giggling a little bit.

Before it was too late you quickly stood up. Confused he sat up straight, looking at you worried.

"What are you doing?", he grabbed your hand but you took a step back.

The taste of metallic blood gave you goosebumps, you hadn't noticed how hard you had bitten on your lip.

"Why are you so nervous?", he reached out for your hands again. Of course he had learned about your habits which included biting your lip when you were nervous.

"Jory-", an unplanned tear suddenly reached your cheek.

He pulled you closer to him but you took another step back.

"Jory my present to you is-", you swallowed your sob but he noticed since his face got more worried by the second.

"You're allowed to break up with me."

The sobs were now uncontrollable and instead of waiting for his response, you ran towards the bathroom, leaving the confused Jory behind. You locked the door and sat down on the floor. He should be happy now and just leave and go to her house. Or maybe she was waiting for him in his bed. It was the right thing to do, he deserved someone better. All the attempts in trying to be like her failed, you couldn't giggle like her. He should just leave, it was your present to him...

"Open the door.", his husky voice suddenly mumbled. He was angry, obviously angry. His tone branch back a memory of you , it was that one time you two had a big fight and ended up crying in each others arms. You stayed silent, he should just LEAVE.

"I told you to open the door, we need to talk about this!", his voice got louder but not to the extent of screaming.

"Please, Julia. Open it. Please, I'm begging you."
"I'll wait until you open it."

"Why are you not opening this f(ri)cking door?", he kicked the door but you were still laying on the carpet.

"I can't believe you're doing this right now. You never fail to surprise me."

"It's my birthday I want to spend time with you.", his first hammered against the door. And that when you got weak. You didn't want him to not like you even more cause you had ruined his birthday, so you finally opened the door.

His eyes were red, his cheeks were wet and he was sitting across from you against the wall. Quickly he crawled to you and hugged you.

"I never wanted to hurt you. You're the most important person in my life.", his hands grabbed you tighter but you couldn't hug him back. Was it your weakness or the reason you felt so distanced, you weren't sure.

"Are you not talking anymore?", he looked into your eyes and you saw that he probably went through a lot. Not being able to leave you but wanting to.

"I'll miss you Jory."

"I didn't want it to end like this."

"I never wanted it to end."

"I'm sorry."



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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